tank bred clowns


i have heard that tank breed clowns will not enter anenomes. is this true?
I have 2 ocellaris and they do not have a care in the world about the anenome. Every night they go to the suface near my powerhead and sleep there. is this normal?
Also my anenome is a long tentacle. Its about 4-5 inch diameter. Can it be that the amenome is too small or that the clowns dont usually enter this type of anenome?


False clowns dont host generally. I had a BTA and Condi. It idnt sleep in either. Your best chance is a Ritteri, however they are very hard to keep alive in an aqarium


i was thinking about a ritteri anenome in a 24gallon nano cube deluxe but that is going to be for a pair of true perculas.
mabye i should switch and put the ocellaris in the ritteri and the percula in the LTA?


Active Member

Originally posted by paulcoates
False clowns dont host generally.

Just a personal experience doesn't make this true.
90reefkepr, IMO tank bred clowns may want an anemone host. It is really up to them and they do know what to do, it is instinct. Tank breds just may not feel the need for the protection of an anemone in a secure aquarium. It is really up to them.


I have a tank-raised Clarkii that is hosting my RBTA in my 20gal. It took a day or two, but he eventually started moving in, and within a week he was sleeping in it at night.