tank bred false percs hosting?

kelly shaw

i read somewhere that tank bred false percs will not host. is this true? i hope not. and how old or big doe they need to be to start hosting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sula
It took mine about a year...don't give up!!

Thanks for the encouragement. I just assumed they would never do it. I have a bta, feather dusters and hairy mushrooms so hopefully I have something they like.

kelly shaw

i am hoping too. i have a condi right now. i know condi's don't normally host. but will be getting something better soon. how big are they when they might start? i just got my false percs yesterday off of swf. they are beutiful. pretty small but beutiful.


My Ocellaris clowns are in a 20 gallon tank, and I didn't think I'd be able to keep an anemone in it. So I bought a variety of soft corals with "anemone-like" characteristics. Like I said, it took about a year, at first the male started using the green star polyps, the female then decided she liked the stars, so she kicked him out, he moved into the hairy mushrooms. She then decided later that she prefered the long-polyped toadstool - isn't that just like a woman

kelly shaw

i hope mine do sometime. i just got 2 tank raised false percs from this sight. they are beutiful. they are sitll pretty small, but i love them. right now i only have a condi as far as anemone go. i don't have any real good lfs's around me so i have to travel over 2 hours to the nearest good one. i want to see what they have and see them live rather than pictures.

kart racer

I had my 2 clowns for a year or so and then bought a BTA and after a couple of months the female started hosting in it. It only lasted a couple of weeks before I came home from work Friday and found the BTA in my SEIO pump. I just bought a nice green carpet so I will see if they take to that.