tank builder wanted for lg tank


New Member
anybody know of anyone who can build a large tank in my basement. i live in long island new york.
would like to build a 12ft x 4ft x 4ft.
problem is it would have to be put together in my basement
my email is Ghanakis@aol.com
if anyone knows of anyone drop me a email thanks


Most of the acrylic manufactures will do this, I'm looking at a 10 or 12' by 2' by 2' in the next few months. Having them build it in the basement could get quite expensive though.


New Member
all the quotes i have gotten are in the 15 to 20k range
i was hopng to keep it under 10k


Acrylic company charge way too much....
I was going to build 110g
they asked $900 for just tank
and extra money on overflow!


Active Member
U should try building it ur self ,find a local glass shop and have them cut out the pieces the use the marin cocking to put to gether u would also have to build a wood frame around it to let it dry


New Member
but i was thinking about maybe getting a carpenter friend to help.
thanks for the replies


On a cheaper side, I've found a major acrylic manufacturer who will make 450 gallon aquariums, with stand and canopy for 3 grand.
Might not be the huge tank you were looking for, but thats still a good sized tank, and for the value!


Active Member
There is a member here who built his own shark tank. Really not difficult at all. Just lots of planning and lots of time...
I too will be building my own once I finish half the basement. He sent me a write up on his and I read all the way through it and found that the planning stage was one of the most tedious.
His name is novice... If you see him lurking around here on the board, drop him a post about it..
Or, as you said, a carpenter should have no problems doing this with you and you'll sae yourself a ton of money..
Good Luck


Heres the acrylic manufacturer I'm about to order from. I double checked, they will make tanks on site. Check out AquaArt based in Ohio. A search online should pull up there website.


New Member
You may want to take the amount of evaporation into account when building a tank of that size. I have heard of major problems with mold, etc...