tank change

ok i have coral in my tank and im changing it to sand ive heard better things go for sand...how in the world do i do this? does that mean im goig nto need to compose of a water change? and if not what to i do with the water


Active Member
I did a major waterchange when i changed from cc to sand. I took EVERYTHING out... then took a fish net and scooped it all up and put it in a garbage bag. i then added sand as slowly as i could, waited until I could see a little bit, put the live rock gently down then added fish and inverts... it will be cloudy for a few days but i added an extra filter and it cleared up completely overnight.


Active Member
If you're doing this in your 10 gallon be careful. A water change probably would be in order. Moving the CC will put detritus in solution. You just can't help it. Could cause a spike. If it was me I'd remove fish, corals and rock and place is a safe tub. Pull all the CC out, rinse well. Add sand, add 1/2 saved water, 1/2 new water, put my animals and rock back in and still watch numbers. Keep a cup of your old CC and put it in the bottom of your tank. There's lots of life in there that will help seed your new sand.
Good luck!


The way jumpfrog told you to do it is what I did when I deepened my sandbed the only thing I would add is try not to disturb the sand when putting the water back in the tank the less you disturb it the less cloudiness you will have.