Tank Cleaning


New Member
I just did my first water change, and i was wondering if I can clean off the fake plants and barnacles inside the tank? If so, how do I do it???


Active Member
Take them out and don't use them. Get some cured live rock and some live plants. Algae just covers the fake stuff.


New Member
No, i would rather not replace them. Is there any other way of cleaning them? Can i just take them out and wash, and scrub them????:help:
I agree with rbmount ... take them out. Their just going to attract algae and get covered daily by it. I would get some live plants, they will be much better and healthier for your tank and better for you since you wont have to clean them. :happyfish


I also agree. I would use live plants and live rock makes for a much better, healthier and more natural look.


Active Member
You could just clean them by rubbing them with a wash cloth. I would use one wash closh all of the time so you don't get any detergent residue inside the tank. If you like the plants then keep them in. I had some long plants and a bubble wand for my first couple years in the hobby and really liked the look. I removed them eventually just because they didn't do it for me anymore but they looked good and it's not like the average person is gonna really know the difference whether they look natural or not.

salty cheese

Active Member
Take them out and don't use them. Get some cured live rock and some live plants. Algae just covers the fake stuff

I would get some live plants, they will be much better and healthier for your tank

I also agree. I would use live plants and live rock makes for a much better, healthier and more natural look.
OK, would the real Bob please stand up.:D
Carl, it's your tank, do what you want but I agree with taking them out, why spend all that money just to have plastic plants in your tank? Not trying to flame you, it's just my personal opinion.


sinner's girl

Don't use soap on them! I don't think this was said. I'd just rinse them off with water and a sponge (use the same sponge each time and never use it for anything else).
that's what I did when I had the fake stuff in my fresh water tank.


New Member
thanks, the only reason why i don't want to put live rock in is because i plan on moving everything into a 55 gallon tank in the fall, but until i move, i'm not purchasing anything more. Thanks



Originally posted by MissCrayon
Actually the more live rock you have now will make the switch easier. The rock will offer more beneficial bacteria and help with setting up your new tank. I just switched from a 55 to a 90 and moved about 100lbs of live rock which helped me not have a huge cycle...

Second that.


When I first set up my tank, I had this BIG, BEAUTIFUL piece of bleached coral. Then it got covered in diatoms, then green algea, then some other crap. Anyway my point is that is, that it got ugly and when it did, I put the piece on my back patio... in the sun. And lo & behold, 2 days later it was white again!! But by then I had already made up my mind to go with live rock only. So sunlight will clean your algea problems, with no ill effects to the tank.


New Member
I know everyone is going to scream when they read this:) , but I did this for many years when I had my last SWT. Fill the kitchen sink with water and add about a cup or so bleach. Let them soak tell they are clean, about fifteen minutes. Then rinse for a very long time, use a brush if you have one. The bleach is gone when it no longer feels slimey or smells like bleach. Sorry all who cringe at this, but it worked for me for years with a very nice reef system. That is still how I clean hoses and stuff you can't reach.