Tank Cloudy?


Ok so help me figure this one out my tank is cloudy above the rocks and its been like that for sometime now... :mad: I tried everything and nothing so far....my water parameters are fine, my sump/overflow is fine my powerheads are on and running 3 of them....i dont get it ....
Also opinions wanted about aquarium solutions water clear solution....doesnt say anything about being harmful should i try it??? .....
I have some corals in the tank but....they never did so well from the changeover from my 30g (now i have a 65g) .....so its really fish only, LR and LS, skimmer etc.....


Active Member
This may sound dumb, but is your glass clean?

Try adding a bag of carbon in your sump.


Originally Posted by wax32
This may sound dumb, but is your glass clean?

Try adding a bag of carbon in your sump.
Not dumb at all but yeah the glass is hard to clean but its clean from what i see, whats a good way to clean it?
Ill try some carbon maybe that will do it, i know my friends does it to his ....
What about those drops?


Active Member
I don't add anything but calcium and alkalinity and food to my tank so I have no experience with them.
Has this new tank been set up long? Sometimes it just takes a while for things to "settle".


Originally Posted by wax32
I don't add anything but calcium and alkalinity and food to my tank so I have no experience with them.
Has this new tank been set up long? Sometimes it just takes a while for things to "settle".
Its been about 2 weeks now since i trasfered from a year established tank to my 65g (so 30g transfered over, i think i may be going through a small cycle being that my corals refuse to come out) but that shouldnt be why its cloudy at the surface....also you add alkalinity? bc i think i may be lacking either that or my ph may be nuetral and not in the opt range....but everything else checks out


Active Member
Nothing like that would have anything to do with making your water cloudy.....
but that shouldnt be why its cloudy at the surface
: you mean a film floating on the surface? That can be from not enough agitation of the surface. Try aiming a powerhead upwards a little so you get a lot of ripples.


Active Member
What color is the "cloud"? Green or white? White could be ammonia/nitrites or just sand blown around. Green could be a algae bloom.
Depending on which it is will decide what course of action to take.


Originally Posted by dburr
What color is the "cloud"? Green or white? White could be ammonia/nitrites or just sand blown around. Green could be a algae bloom.
Depending on which it is will decide what course of action to take.
Nah its clear and its foggy but not thick like a thin foggyness at the top (not the surface the actual like above the rocks area....right above the power heads the water above that to the surface...the actual surface of the water is clear...and so is the bottom area...but in actuality i dont think my tank is as clear as it should be....


Ive used the drops many times..worked wonders for me, I checked my water aftera day and still was fine...it just clunks stuff together basically.


Originally Posted by sonicboom1
Ive used the drops many times..worked wonders for me, I checked my water aftera day and still was fine...it just clunks stuff together basically.
Which drops did you use?
I heard they werent so good for the tank...esp if you have reef!
Kent Marine just came out with a saltwater only drop reef safe recently but i dont know if i trust it,