Tank cover


New Member
Hi Guys. My question is what is beter, to cover the tank or leave it uncovered?


I would say cover your tank.You want to make sure nothing gets in your tank as to contaminate it.Also this will help your water from not evaporating as fast!!


I would say keep your tank covered. I have heard both sides of the story, and I have always keep mine covered. Good Luck


Active Member
I added a cover recently to keep my snowflake in, eels are notorius for jumping out, and I went from 3/4g per day evap to less than 1/4.
But... The lighting is not as good, it requires cleaning,gets salt creep, and is sometimes a hassle if you need to get in the tank (I do to feed eel) and is just generally a pain.
Tank temp jump about a degree or two also.
Dima, first welcome to the board.
If you have a FO (fish only)tank then the amount of light energy reduced by the cover is not a factor. If you have FOWLR (fish only with live rock)or a reef setup then just bear in mind that a glass cover does reduce the light energy recieved by about ten percent. IMHO(in my humble opinion)the advantages of having a cover outway the disadvantages. Just remember as stated above to keep it clean and adjust your lighting and placement of inhabitants accordingly. The one exception (there is always at least one) would be a shallow tank that you would prefer to view from above or at least be able to view from above to get the full effect such as a clam tank. Hope this helps.


I would say cover, but I have a fish only tank, and some of the fish are known to go carpet diving. Also have very little evap. only like a gallon every 8 days. Oceanic makes a cover that allows better light penatration into the tank.


The only thing on top of my tank is egg crate.Keeps the fish in,doesn't need cleaned constantly,allows max light in and allows heat to escape most efficently.Adding make up water isn't that big of a deal.


I think cover is better than not having one. It keeps the fishes in and also keeps the water in. All kinds of other benefits.


I say visit your local aquarium.Bet they don't have large sheets of plexiglass on their 10,000 gallon tanks.ha ha :)Simple put I think its going to be personal prefrence what you decide.


i maintain tanks with covers of acrylic which have large cutouts to allow oxygen exchanges. i live in an area where the ambient temeratures can get very high and then oxygen can become a problem. if you have no problem with livestock as in eels, etc. then a partial cover made out of acrylic may be athe answer covers also help keep salt creeep off your lighting.hope this helps.