Tank Crash...BETH


Hi all...we have a 75 gal salt water reef tank. Everything has been great in that tank and we have not had any probs....until yesterday afternoon - I looked in the tank and ALL of our corals were melting, all of our anemonies were melting and our fish were dying (we saved some), our starfish died, etc......
All of our levels were great - nothing out of wack...so what happened????? What do we do now?????


Active Member
Before anyone can help we'll need more info. Had you recently changed anything, done a water change? Sprayed or painted in the area of the tank?What were your parameters and temp?How old was the tank?So sorry for your huge loss
The more info you can provide the better chance someone may be able to figure out what went wrong.Let us know


okay, the temp was around 76 degrees, ammonia was at 0 ppm, nitrite was 0 ppm, nitrate was 0 ppm and the ph was inbetween 8.2 and 8.4
It is a little over 75 gal reef tank. We had 2 sand sifter starfish, one bristle star, one coral beauty, one yellow tang (sm), two damsels, one niger trigger, one cleaner shrimp, about a dozen snails, one sally lightfoot crab, two emerald crabs, we had about 6 various soft corals and two anemonies, and one maroon clown fish. We also had about 70 - 90 lbs of live rock and our sand was live sand. We had a biological filter and a penguin filter.
What else am I forgetting????


ahhh...since we took our fish out and moved all the rocks...I just looked in the tank and I see about 6 bristle worms....could that be a prob?????


Active Member
No brisstle worms are not your problem, they are a benefical part of your clean up crew. Have your recently added any LR to the tank or anything else?did you do any cleaning or painting.etc, in the area of the tank?What was your salenity?what about feeding and lighting any changes?


no painting or cleaning in that room....no new LR - nothing new all was well until a day before. The salinity was normal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by newatsalt
no painting or cleaning in that room....no new LR - nothing new all was well until a day before. The salinity was normal.
what is normal? really weird, Could something been introduced on your hands going in the tank(soap or lotion)how many anenomes did you have and what kinds maybe they were trying to poison each other(rare But you never know)


Active Member
have you checked for other stuff like Cal, Alk, Phosphates Mag? what were this levels, if so?


I just don't know on the cal., etc... We are having our fish guy come today..but everything is dead...EVERYTHING! so sad


you know it is so sad, especially since I have had mosts of these fish for almost a year! I just can not understand what happened.....our fish store owner said that something could have died and toxified the entire tank.....????? The corals melted away and the fish acted like someone was choking them and their eyes got puffy like balloons and then they died. The only thing living are the hermit crabs and the bristle worms


New Member
what about the possibility of electric voltage in the water. a cracked heater? or maybe toxins leaking in from a protein skimmer?


No bleach...that room is basically chemical free! :)
I never thought about the electrical shock! would that kill them all like that....and leave the hermit crabs and bristle worms?


Active Member
No , I dont think so.If it was electrical shock ,I think the fish would have died instantly and would have been floating,corals and anenomes problaly would have gone next,but your corals went first and if you went right to putting your hands in the tank to try to save stuff, I think you would have felt it too.


Do you have any nudibranch in your tank b4? Because that what happened to my tank about 2months ago when a nudibranch die my my tank. Fishes are all fine but all my corals slowly die week after week.


I have to believe that your filtration /skimmer on this tank had failed you and which lead to your tank to crash