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Well, the tank is about six months old. I started with (after allowing a one month cycle):
30 lbs LR
2" sandbed
1 perc clown
10 turbo snails
10 hermits
1 three-stripe damsel (I know, damsels!)
1 diamond goby
2x 250w MH
Prizm protein skimmer
2 power heads
About two weeks ago, I made a 29g sump with an overflow box. I added the water to the tank all at once and have been using tap water. Initiall I tested the tap water and it seemed to be OK.
All my water parameters seemed to be near perfect, but the tank started getting a lot of green slime algae.
About one week after introducing the sump, my snails all went belly side up (literally). They were still alive but wound not turn over. I would turn them over and somehow they would end up belly side up again and wouldn't turn over. WEIRD! About two days later, they died. ALL OF THEM! Even the bristleworms in the rocks crawled out and died.
About three days after the snails died, the fish followed. I tested the water again, and it appeared to be good.
All I have left is an empty tank and sump.
Should I reuse the rocks? A good portion of them are covered in the green algae. The algae is not hair algae.
:notsure: :help:
What is your temp doing with 2 X 250 MHs on a 50G? How much varience? I assume you know tap water could be the culprit. What did you test the tap water for? Cl-? Over 35% (30g in 80gs) Cl- tap water might of done it? Man, something was bad if B worms were croaking!