TANK CRASHING>> HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Sorry to hear bout the tank, the only thing I could suggest is running a poly filter and seeing what color it changes to. That might give you some direction. There are some many things that it could have been, we all walk a fine line between success and failure.


Active Member
Didn't see that broomer already suggested that, it might be worth the moeny to have an outside company do a full analysis of the water . . You might check into a company called SGS they do some contract work for the company I work for... however it sounds like it might be to late, once again sorry for the loses.
BTW - what color if any did the poly change to.
I am not sure what hydrocarbons would be used in a bug bomb, but I would assume aromatic hydrocarbons such as xylene ( closely related to benzene ) . . this stuff is deadly to the bugs and people as well, so you can imagine what it would do to fish and corals when dissolved into water. If I had to guess I would say almost surely it was the bug bomb...the half life of hydrobarbons is, well it's a heck of a long time. I would try to find out what exactly was in the bomb. Either way, it dosen't look too good, sorry... the only thing is I can't figure out why it took so long to effect the fish. It could have been very stable and just took this long to fully break down.
I think i solved it...
Today I went to change the sea weed that I put in the tank and I got a shock when I touched the water...
I have my tank pluged into a grounded power strip.. but this house is older than I thought and I am sure I am getting stray leakage....
This would also explaine the lateral line erosion my tang is starting to show... Im buying a grounding probe tomarrow and instaling it right after work!!!
Thank you ALL for your help.. THis thread really proves that this IS the best BB out there... Everyone seems to show genuine concern. I am humbled by your kindness and generocity with information... and I takle it upon myself to thank you for myself and my remaining critters :)


You might also want to make sure of the integrity of your heater and powerheads.They are probably the source of your leakage current. Also, if you have proper grounding in your home I would put a GFCI in. The GFCI would have tripped with as little as a 4mA leakage current. Glad you found your problem.


WOW....! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
Hey there,
Glad to see you found the problem, was it too late for the rest of the critters? Hope not, well atleast now you know. :) It seems this happens more than one would think, I read several posts stating the same thing.... ouch!