75g about a year old, ~70lbs of live rock.
One Maroon clown
Sadleback clown
1 pajama cardinal
algae eater blenny
hermits, a starfish, and a fire shrimp
So a week ago i bought a bi color angel.. and he was fine
Yesterday i bought a Pearl butterfly fish. I aclimated him by putting water from my tank into a bucket with him in it over about 20 mins..
They were swimming around fine last night.. This mornign i woek up and the angel, the butterfly and the saddleback are on the ground shallow breathing. I set up a quick 10 gallon up this mornig and put the angel and butterfly in it to see fi they will pull through. Right now they are shallwo breathing on the bottom but still fluttering.
The saddleback is on still on the ground in tank. All the rest are fine?
What do yo uthink?
my levels are good using the strips and the plastic hydrometer as in the nitrates are below 20, and the salt is right in the middle.
75g about a year old, ~70lbs of live rock.
One Maroon clown
Sadleback clown
1 pajama cardinal
algae eater blenny
hermits, a starfish, and a fire shrimp
So a week ago i bought a bi color angel.. and he was fine
Yesterday i bought a Pearl butterfly fish. I aclimated him by putting water from my tank into a bucket with him in it over about 20 mins..
They were swimming around fine last night.. This mornign i woek up and the angel, the butterfly and the saddleback are on the ground shallow breathing. I set up a quick 10 gallon up this mornig and put the angel and butterfly in it to see fi they will pull through. Right now they are shallwo breathing on the bottom but still fluttering.
The saddleback is on still on the ground in tank. All the rest are fine?
What do yo uthink?
my levels are good using the strips and the plastic hydrometer as in the nitrates are below 20, and the salt is right in the middle.