
This is my first post....need help, please!
My sw tank is approx 4 months old. Everything has gone pretty well with a few minor exceptions blue tang got ich. I have a few corals and was advised by my lfs to treat with a reef safe (organic) ich treatment. This did absolutly no good. I finally QT the tang and used copper, but it was too late and he died.
A few days later I purchased a replacement filter pad for my tank. A few hours later....everything including my inverts and coral looked TERRIBLE!!!. I immediatly removed the filter pad and the following day did a 30% water change. While the corals and inverts have improved back to their normal appearance, I have lost all of my fish. One by one. I called the LFS and was told the filter came from their store that caught fire a few days ago. Yikes!!!! I also want to mention that a few fish were also starting to show early signs of ich.
I did another water change today....this time about 20%. I need help. Can someone share with me their opinion. Do you think the filter pad killed my fish or did I have more ich than my fish could handle? I am just confused because the corals and inverts have pulled through while ALL of my fish are dead.
What do I need to do? Thanks for anyone who can help.
Tank: 75 gallons
temp: 78
nitrite 0
nitrate: trace
ammonia: 0
PH 8.3
calcium 480
alk 4.8
salinity 1.023