Tank Crisis


Ok I have a hugy emergency in my 70 gallon f/o tank that doesn't have live rock. I have a baby hippo tang, a coral beauty , and an Atlantic Blue Tang. Since he was introduced on saturday the hippo had been scratching and now he's pretty beat up. I took the precaution of feedin him garlic but no results. He has continued to scratch and now everyone in the tank has what he has and they have it bad. It's not white spot and there's nothing visible that you can see on any of the fish. I'm assuming its internal but I don't know how to treat it. Everyone is eating fine. Currently I'm treating the tank with RX-P soaking garlic food and doing freshwater dips daily. Should I lower the salinity too? What else can I do and does anyone know what is happening to my fish? I really want to keep these fish alive. They're putting up a good fight and I want to keep it that way. Any replies would be extremely helpful.
First, I think you should post this in the disease/treatment section. Since nobody has responded yet I'm going to give you my .02 . The daily fresh water dips and the hypo that you mentioned are used for ick treatments I'm not sure if it applies to any other disease. You said that there are no visible signs and with ick there're little white spots all over that look like he's been in a fight. Maybe yours didn't show up yet? If it is ick and you decide to try hyposalinity remove all inverts if any because they cannot surive the salinity decrease.
I hope you have a hospital tank if not I suggest you go out and get one. Hope someone who knows replies soon. Good luck!