Tank cure


Active Member
Turbo Start usually begins working immediately to bring down dangerous ammonia levels. It probably should not take longer than a few hours at the most (depending upon how high your ammonia spiked).
Products like Cycle (things with shelf lives) take many hours to work effectively.


I had a product called AM Guard by Seachem and threw some in today just to try and help the cause. though there is an amonia reading all the fish seem normal. The queen is actually breathing normal now and not scratching or shivering anyomore since i medicated yesterday. her colors even look brighter than ever . I was going to put in her in QT but i only have a 15g QT and thought she probalby be stressed there plus my LFS suggesred to does the DT in case the flukes spread out .


Just bought some live rock for the QT to kick start the cycle and we found a hitchiker in the rock, a crab of some kind, orange in color. Should I move this crab to the display which is empty except for two snails,(empty display?see above) while the QT cycles with this LR and two damsels. THANKS again.


Active Member
Yes, you should move that crab to the display because he cannot stay in the QT.
For future reference, there are much better ways to cycle a tank than using damsels. That is cruel to the fish and totally unneccessary, IMO.


Lion I thought that since I put some LR with the damsels that it would't be a problem for them, I could probably bring them back, if I do then how to cycle properly with a dead shrimp if thats a better way?
The crab should be moved because of going through cycle, right? Thank You.


Active Member
The crab should be moved because of the cycle, as well as for any kind of treatments. If you are treating the water with a hyposalinity for example, that crab is never going to make it.
As for the damsels, it is dangerous to them because you are exposing them to dangerous and toxic levels of ammonia that is burning their gills. When the fish eat and breate in the water, that waste turns into ammonia, and because there is not enough bacteria to convert that into nitrite, the ammonia will just keep going up ad up until the bacteria forms. It would be a little less if the live rock was cured, but most times LFS' do not sell cured live rock very often.
Me personally, I would just cycle with a dead cocktail shrimp and do it that way. Cycling the QT with a piece of live rock is a bad idea also because a lot of the biological bacteria is forming on the live rock. When you go to do a hypo treatment in there, you are going to have to take out the piece of live rock. Because you will be removing a large amount of biological bacteria, the ammonia will spike and new bacteria will need to be formed again, perhaps causing a mini-cycle to begin.


Crab is in the display (orange with purple legs) not sure what kind or what to feed. Any thoughts?
The LR is well cured and only in the QT for the cycle. Not doing Hypo with this QT tank unless I need to. Just trying to cycle it so I can use it as a QT for incoming fish for the display.
Please give me the steps on cycling with a cocktail shrimp. THANKS again.