Tank Cycle


I know that there have been many posts on this subject and I have looked at many of them but they don't really answer my question. I have a 29gallon tank and I put 30lbs. of cured live rock I got at a pet store and brought right home to put in the tank and i also put in 15lbs.of sand with 20lbs. of live sand on top of that. I did my first test the morning after i got everything set up and I showed very little ammonia and very little nirates. The nitrites were at zero. I waited a few days and I tested again and found that my ammonia actually dropped to what I would say is zero (the test colors are a little close at between 0 and .25ppm) and the nitrates doubled. Nitrites are still at zero. From what I have read the nitrates boost is the second part of the cycle after an ammonia spike. I am just wondering it this is just normal in the cycle period or if the fact that everything I added was cured already if I am not going to have such a dramatic cycle. I know that the cycle isnt over untill both Ammonia and Nitrates are at zero but the lack of ammonia this early has me worried I have done something wrong.


Active Member
actually, the cycle starts with ammonia, gets converted to niTRITES, then converted to niTRATES. it is possible that since the rock was cured b4 you brought it home that the ammonia levels are low. keep an eye on all of your levels for a couple of days. after the nitrite spike it will drop to 0, then the nitrates will rise. do a water change, that should take care of the trate problem. then you're all set........


I had a 3.1 Ammonia spike with my live rock because of the die off from two days of shiping it to me. Also I don't think your nitrates spike, there always there and one of your short comming with your new hobbie.


Yea thanks i got Nitrites and Nitrates mixed up. My niTRITES have stayed at zero while my niTRATEs have risen. I think I am just going to keep an eye on it for a little while longer and then add some snails and a crab or two to take care of some algae I have growing. I just can't belive that it just didn't really cycle.


I talked to one of the guys at the LFS here and I am blessed by the fact that he is very experienced with saltwater fish. He said that since I had all cured rock and lots of live sand that yes my tank is probably finished cycling. He did say however that when i chose to add fish I am probably going to get a fairly large ammonia spike from them. He recomended getting one maybe two max. small hardy fish like damsals or even aquacultured perc clowns. Then monitering the ammonia and other readings daily. I am wondering what you guys think. Thanks in advance.-+


Active Member
Put in a small amount of fish food and see if there is enough bacteria to control it. Your tank could just be waiting for something to start a cycle if theres not enough bacteria. It probly is fine but should build up the bacteria by adding food, ect. befor adding livestock IMO. Dont get Damsels unless you like haveing them.