Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!


Just a couple of update pics. Sorry about the horrible quality... I used my phone to take them. LS and LR have been added. And now... the dreaded wait ***)



Active Member
How did I miss this thread for so long? Nice nano tank and love your stand, looks great! :cheer:
I'm emptying out the water from my test run on my 125, and will be starting to add the saltwater. Ordering lr and ls this week!


Originally Posted by puffer9006
that egg crate stuff doesnt effect the lights getting in
Was that a question? If so, no, not much if at all. The glass top that came with it would cause the water to heat up too much, given that I have the 150w MH model. The egg crate will just help guard against jumping fish making their way to the floor


Originally Posted by azfishgal
How did I miss this thread for so long? Nice nano tank and love your stand, looks great! :cheer:
I'm emptying out the water from my test run on my 125, and will be starting to add the saltwater. Ordering lr and ls this week!

Thanks. I still need to build a door for it and add an auto top off unit. It'll give me something to do while I'm waiting on the cycle. I'm going to be building a new sump for my 125 next weekend too. At least I won't have time to twiddle my thumbs


Active Member
I'm always admiring those who build things themselves. NICE job! :cheer:
Are you worried about the rock touching the side glass?
While you're cycling, you could build some more stands and send me one!
j/k :joy:
The two clowns + goby sounds like a great idea!
Nice work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Thanks. I still need to build a door for it and add an auto top off unit. It'll give me something to do while I'm waiting on the cycle. I'm going to be building a new sump for my 125 next weekend too. At least I won't have time to twiddle my thumbs

I would love an auto-top off for my tank, but have no idea how to go about doing that. I'll have time to research it though, as my tank starts to cycle Looks like we will both be playing the waiting game.

I can't wait to get doors on my stand. It's LOUD!!! :scared: It was even worse with the waterfall sound the overflow made, but husband fixed that. Now it's the pump and the empty sump was noisy. All the tap water has been taken out though, and I know when the sump is filled with lr and sand for the refuge it will be a bit quieter. But still, will be nice to get my doors.


Yep, mine is loud too. The doors and canopy did help a lot though. I noticed you're using an extrenal pump? Did you put anything under it to isolate it from the wood, like maybe a piece of rubber? That might help too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Yep, mine is loud too. The doors and canopy did help a lot though. I noticed you're using an extrenal pump? Did you put anything under it to isolate it from the wood, like maybe a piece of rubber? That might help too.
Yes I did, very sophisticated piece of equipment......a mouse pad. :hilarious Works like a charm.

Edit: It's still a little noisy, but I'll cope until I get my doors and canopy.