Tank Diary - Reefpro's 90 Gallon Office Tank


Well I've decided to go ahead and do a Diary even though it's a little late to start since I've been running for about 45 days with really good levels:
PH: 8.13
NH4: 0
NO3: 0
NO2: 0
Tank's doing well and I used it to save 4 Clowns from a friend's dying tank.
Anyway on to the tank...
90 Gallon All Glass Megaflow (Black)
All Glass Stand and Canopy
Currently using a Wet Dry Filter with a Mag 9.5 return pump (I plan to swap this for a sump/fuge)
Coralife 125 Protein Skimmer
Coralife Turbo Twist 12x UV Sterilizer
Coralife Aqualight Pro 48" 2x250 DE HQI 2x96 PC Actinics and 4 Moonlight LED's
Reefkeeper2 to control everything.
All in all it's a good setup.
We've got about 125 pounds of live rock, 200 pounds of live sand.
4 Clown Fish and Two Domino Damsels as well as a serpent star and a sand sifting starfish (hitchhiker).
I'll post some pic's tonight if I get a chance!
We've got about 10 hermits


Nice set-up!
Where do you work? Is this a home office? Does your employer know the cost of running a reef tank?


Originally Posted by MilkMan
Nice set-up!
Where do you work? Is this a home office? Does your employer know the cost of running a reef tank?

Home office :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by MilkMan
It's amazing what you can write off on taxes with a home business!

yeah untill the IRS autdits you.....

but I suppose you could write it off as stress relief, of esthetics for maintaining a presentable appearance.....


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
yeah untill the IRS autdits you.....

I wouldn't wish that on anyone... the IRS is yuck ;)