Tank Diary Update !!!


Here are a bunch of new pics of my 135 gal in wall tank. New lighting is on the way, as well as a few more corals. :joy:



Active Member
Originally Posted by apgracia
Sorry, Just had spine surgery and I'm really bored, so more pics !!!!
OUCH! :scared: Well, your tank is awesome!
Please post more and make them larger if you can. We won't get tired of them, I promise! ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
OUCH! :scared: Well, your tank is awesome!
Please post more and make them larger if you can. We won't get tired of them, I promise! ***)
Speaking of pics...Get to work AZ..

I need to get some pics of my 125 I got Friday..I have the plumbing all finished and got water and sand in it now...woot woot..Wasnt thinking when I filled it up on the test run that "wow I havent added the baffles to my sump yet..So I have to close the returns and drain the sump somehow..


Active Member
Looks awesome, how long have you set it up? I've been putting a lot of thought into an in-wall tank in the future, what's behind it? Can we get some pics of setup/specs of equipment? Btw, I'm sorry to hear about your surgery, hope you're doing better! ;D


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Speaking of pics...Get to work AZ..

I need to get some pics of my 125 I got Friday..I have the plumbing all finished and got water and sand in it now...woot woot..Wasnt thinking when I filled it up on the test run that "wow I havent added the baffles to my sump yet..So I have to close the returns and drain the sump somehow..

Well at least me and apgracia have a diary. Where's yours?
Besides there is nothing new in my DT since the last pics, everything pretty much looks the same. Good luck on getting those baffles on. :hilarious


Thanks guys. The tank is a 135 gal (72"x24"x18") I am building, or was building my sump. Right now I am just running a couple of Emporer 400 HOB, a Skilter Skimmer( hate it) a fluvel 404 canister, 4 Maxijet 1200. have about 80 lbs. live rock ,60 lbs. base, ls ect.Using PC's right now for lighting, but have 2 24" 380 MH combos on the way. My wife wants an anenome and clown, so she ponied up the $$$$ for the light upgrade. I am not to sure how to make my pics bigger. It would be cool to show a full tank shot a little larger. I also had an other thread going that shows pics of the const. I think it was called fw to sw conversion or in wall tank diary. I posted a couple of threads. The tank has been up and running for about 3 months. Most of the fish came from another tank I have in my bedroom. Th cleaning crew is all new guys. I have always wanted to do this in my home. I just moved into this house within the last year. When we bought the place I knew I would finally be able to do a in wall tank. It is the center piece of our home now.