Well, finally my 55 gallon tank is cycled. Here is what it is made up of: Wet/dry system, basic store bought gravel (20 lbs), 3 large peices of display coral, and 4 damsels. Since reading up, I want to now have live sand (don't know how much, and I want to get out the old gravel if possible), live rock built around the existing display coral. Will this cause my tank to recycle? What type of lighting do I need for the live rock and sand? Do I need some cleaner livestock? If so, what? What protein skimmer do you think I should use? I want to have False Perca Clowns, how many and what anomones should I use, that are easy and what type of lighting for them? Blemmies and gobies, how many, which ones and what do they need? Will a yellow tang do well in all of this, and what other fish will thrive? Would it be best to remove my damsels because of their aggression? Thanks for any and all help. Royce