tank finally cycled!!!


:D Finally after about 2-3 months I think my 55 gal FO, tank is finally cycled. As of last nite these are my water parameters.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
ph 8.0
Salinity 1.021
temp 82
Is there anything else I need to do before adding fish, any water changes??
How long should I wait with these levels before adding fish?
I want to add 2 false percs as my first fish, should this be ok, without sending my ammonia sky high?? Thanks.


Active Member
2 clowns in a 55g should be fine. Just remember to go slow.
You may want to either wait maybe another few days, or do a water change to try and bring the trates down a little bit further though. They are within an acceptable range for fish, but could stand to be a bit lower...


CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is such an exciting time. False percs are really hardy, so you should have no trouble whatsoever. Buzz gave a good suggestion about the trates. The better your water conditions, the better luck you have with all inhabitants.
OH HAPPY DAY!!! (I hated cycling)


Just curious as a fellow newbie (or noobie - I don't even know how to spell it:rolleyes: ) - what did you cycle with?