tank foggy????

fishy head

I have a 24 gallon aqau pod and it was always clear until i cleaned the pump out. I did a water change yesterday because i thought it was foggy. but today it is still hazy. The perimeters are
nitrite 0.0
nitrate 0.0
amon. 0.0
ph. 8.2
salt. 1.021
whats the problem???????????????????


Active Member
i have a qt tank that i had to use tap water to top off recently and a few days later the whole tank went foggy. I have never seen this before i added the tap, and i always make my saltwater and top off with RO. are you using anything else but RO?

fishy head

before i use to get the 20 cent gallons of waters at the water machines i bought 1 dollar gallons at the store every week


Active Member
You mentioned cleaning your pump but did you clean anything that holds biological filtration?