Tank Grounding

Does anyone use a grounding probe in their aquarium? I was recently reading a book that recommended using one. I personally have never used one. I just plug everying into a power strip that is grounded. Does that do the same thing? Any electricians in the house? Thanks.
I don't know of anyone that actually uses one of them. They may give a little extra added protection, but in my opinion not necessary. When I got my tank setup I put in a new GFI outlet on it's own circuit. Luckily I'm in good with the landlord so I can do that. I'd say skip the ground probe, but I would recommend if your outlet isn't GFI or GFI protected to put one in.


You can test your tank to see if it has voltage in it with a simple voltmeter. Set it to read A/C current at a sensitive level (the meters have different scales-pick one that will read 0-25 or 0-50 volts). Touch one probe to the ground hole on an outlet (that's the big rounded one on a 3-prong outlet, or the larger slit on a 2-prong) and the other in your tank. Most ungrounded tanks have 3-10 volts in them. All tanks should be grounded. Stray voltage comes from heaters, powerheads, from your lights (salt creep can carry voltage from the hood to the water), and anything else that is electric. That voltage can cause lateral line disease in fish, or at least help it along. I don't know what effect it can have on inverts.
Thanks I'll check it tonight. I've never had the tank grounded in the three years it's been setup and I haven't had any problems. Has anyone out there really ever had issues come up because the tank wasn't grounded? I hate to spend $20 on a probe I don't really need.


Kind of ironic this got posted just now. I just got a shock from a lamp that was using the same power strip as my tank. It came on suddenly, I went to turn it off, and when I touched the switch, BZZZT!!! Ow! Salt had creaped into the switch.


Active Member
As Sonny said - test your tank. Induced voltages are REAL.
A saltwater tank is basically a glass box filled with extreamly conductive liquid. This box is isolated from ground. Glass is a pretty good insulator. Stray voltage can be induced to the tank and everything in it. It will hold this electrical potential until something enters the tank that is grounded. This could be your hand, but should be a grounding probe.
I don't think ocean creatures, fish, inverts, corals normally are exposed to too much induced ac voltages in the sea ;)
I ground all my tanks with grounding probes.


Active Member
Hi, there has been alot of discusions about this. being a electritian, i did alot of reading on this.
Sonny is right. you will have some stray voltage in your tank.
but a grounding probe is NOT the answer.
some people will swear by them but in my opinion they are more harmful than good.
i don't want to go into all the details but stay voltage is harmless unless it has a path to ground. by adding a probe you are creating a path.
everyone should have their tanks on GFCI recepticles or breakers. this is the safest thing to do for you and your tank.
hope this helps. ;)
I just measured the stray voltage in my tank and I was amazed to see that it was 25V AC. This seemed extremely high to me. Are we sure that this won't harm the inhabitants in my tank. That grounding probe is looking a bit more like a necessity. Any other opinions out there? :confused:


dad, this is off-topic, but how's your tank doing? aren't you the one that had the disaster with the wasp that had been sprayed landing in your tank, or am i just plain wrong? i told my wife about the horrible series of events that unfolded and she was pretty horrified that something like that could happen. on a good note, though, it was a lot easier to convince hear that fogging the house for bugs was a BAD idea! anyway, i was just wondering... :)


So it is kind of like if you grab an electric fence you only get shocked when your feet are on the ground. :D


Active Member
Keitho....yep it was me.
I was able to save my clown, and a tang. thats about it.
I'm now starting from scratch basicly.
Thanks for asking, ;)
about this discusion: I also stand with my original reply.