Tank Heater


I'm looking to a good heater.What is the best one to get.Oh one more question.I think i read an a thread here something about a magnetic cleaner for the glass.Could someone tell me about that.Thanks Chris:cool:


For the heater, I am pretty sure Ebo Jagger is the recomended brand. As far as the mags go, I use a Mag-Float, it's really great as long as you get in the habbit of using it every day or two. I prefer the mag float because if it gets released, the end in the water floats so I don't have to reach to the bottom of my tank and get it. Yeah, I know, Lazy :p
I like the titanium heaters (no glass to break) and use "Magnavore" magnetic cleaners. Both are excellent choices and will serve you well for many years to come.
BTW...I also have an Ebo Jager in my water reservoir (45 gal)and it does a nice job as well. Sometimes the thermostat malfunctions though which is why it is not in my reef system.
Is this heater going into your display tank or your sump? I believe the general rule of thumb for heaters is roughly 3 watts per gallon. Always better to have 2 instead of one just in case something happens to one of them. Just take your total desired wattage and divide it between the two heaters. If they are in your display tank just try your best to hide it behind some liverock or something where there is good water flow.