Tank Help


ok I have a 90 gal tank and all my fish have ick and i am going to get rid of them because i dont want to put treatment in my main tank and i dont have a spare quarintine tank
i heard that if your tank gets ick and you leave no living things in in and let it set for 3 weeks the paricite will kill itself off is this true if so how long should i leave it empty.
and i am going to start over will all new fish so i want to be safe this time so im going to buy a uv sterlizer - do those not allow fish to get ick? and if so how many wattage one should i buy for a 90 gall tank and how often to change the bulb in it
THANKS in Advance !!!!!


First i would suggest to keep your DT fishless for 6 weeks not 3.
And use a quarantine tank, not a uv sterilizer. Or even better use both. But deffinitely a quarantine tank.


Active Member
So how are you going to "get rid of" the sick fish? Return them to the lfs? Are you going to tell them the fish have ich?
A UV will not prevent ich, nor can you count on it to kill the parasite once it's in your tank. If you have a FO or FOWLR set-up, you can perform hyposalinity in your DT and effectively treat the disease. Buying all new fish and hoping for the best isn't the solution. What will you do if the new fish come down with something?


Originally Posted by nicetry
So how are you going to "get rid of" the sick fish? Return them to the lfs? Are you going to tell them the fish have ich?
A UV will not prevent ich, nor can you count on it to kill the parasite once it's in your tank. If you have a FO or FOWLR set-up, you can perform hyposalinity in your DT and effectively treat the disease. Buying all new fish and hoping for the best isn't the solution. What will you do if the new fish come down with something?
I fully agree here. What are you going to do when new fish have issues? Treat your fish. The UV only kills parasites that happen to pass through it. Ich spends very little time in the water column. Your display has to remain fishless for six weeks, if you do get rid of the fish. I have to say that that is the most irresponsible thing that I have heard. You bought them and didn't quarantine them. Treat them.


Active Member
get the QT tank, you can pick up a 30 gallon tank and stand for dirt cheap at garage sales etc because many people get into the hobby, and lose interest and 20-30 gallon tanks are common starter sizes that make great qt tanks.


New Member
I'd have to agree with Nicetry, go with the hypo dip, its pretty cheap fast and effective, though you should get a QT for after treatment purposes. Either that or treat with a invert friendly chem, mardel coppersafe works pretty good IMO.


Originally Posted by CHAiZA
I'd have to agree with Nicetry, go with the hypo dip, its pretty cheap fast and effective, though you should get a QT for after treatment purposes. Either that or treat with a invert friendly chem, mardel coppersafe works pretty good IMO.
Coppersafe is not invert friendly by any means. That cannot be added to the display.


yes the lfs knows they have ick and they understand ans they are going to take them and as for treating my tank whats the best thing i should use without affecting inverts or other fish


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
yes the lfs knows they have ick and they understand ans they are going to take them and as for treating my tank whats the best thing i should use without affecting inverts or other fish
Ich is in your system now. Ich has to have a host. The only way to clear your display is to remove all fish for six weeks. They have all been exposed to ich. Bringing back the "sick" ones is not going to help. I am sorry.


New Member
Sorry bout the statement i said earlier, i guess i just lucked out, my shrimp lived happily for months, until my harlequin got to it. the only invert that got hit was a tiny cowrie that was impossible for me to get to, but i do have to agree with what yo usaid above. in order to completely get rid of ich you need a hostless tank for a good number of weeks till the many cycles of the ich to die off. as for setting up the qt for the fish you take out freash dip them and then qt them in a well treated tank for the time being, well thats what I've done in my case and it worked quite fine.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Not accurate at all. I am sorry to say.
with a niger and picasso triggerfish and 34 blue leg hermit crabs scarlet hermit crabs and other CC's all did fine with high levels of cupermine.
first hand experience.


again incorrect! i had ick in my 125 reef in the first 3 months , feeding with garlic zoe marine nori wigth mixes of mysis cures the problem completely it has not re surfaced in 1.8 years...in addition my fish are as healthy as anyones..the ick wsnt a mild case the fish had endless spots on them treating them in othe ways besides copper and hypo are possible like i did with 12 fish that all are 2 years old in my tank cleaner wrasses and cleaner shrimp also help.