Tank Insurance...


Ok so after stuffing myself all day, I find out that renters ins. doesnt insure tanks that are on hardwood floors or tile. I had planned on putting my tank in the kitchen cause our apt is so small I dont have room anywhere else for it. So then I was told that I could get waterbed ins. and that would cover the tile just as long as my tank wasnt saltwater. I could put it in my room but I think it would cause nore problems in the long run. I dunno.
Anybody else run into this problem?
Id hate to not get ins. and then have a problem with my tank.


A couple of monthes ago my tank crahsed cuz of an electrical outage, drained water all over my house. Was in my upstairs bedroom and just soaked throguh the wall to the computer room, and then down another floor to the basement. Insurance wouldt cover my livestock or anything of the sort, but they covered all of the electrical appliances. So I said that all my stuff broke cuz of power surges, and they totally reimubursed me, lol. Good luck though, its tough to get through if it ever happens....


Thanks Liontamer. My problem is that I live on the 3rd floor of my apt. So if something goes, my downstairs neighbors get to deal with it too.


Active Member
do u have a sump or refugium that would overflow with water , and do u have bulkheads drilled inot the tank or a overflow bilt in or a hang on overflow?


Nada, I dont even have it set up yet. I was gonna set up a refug but Im not gonna be able to set up my tank.


Active Member
my tank flooded my condo once, but all u need is a check valve on your return line(s) what it does is keep water from siphoning out of your tank and flooding everything


New Member

Originally posted by DVS
renters ins. doesnt insure tanks that are on hardwood floors or tile

So put it on a throw rug!



Originally posted by gphoenix
So put it on a throw rug!

I was thinking about that, lmao.
I think I might just go ahead and set it up anyways.


I live in a very old apartment in a tenement in New Bedford. I have a 110 gallon tank set up and have never had a problem - the tank is on my rug which is ontop of very old wood floors
My tank is on a very study stand that helps distribute the weight and it is against a load baring wall for all of the reasons mentioned by other people
I have only had one issue and that was when I was setting up the tank and forgot to put a hose in the tank for the water coming out of the filter (OOOPPS) i spilled about 10 gallons of water before my landlord who was downstairs came up to ask if everything was ok -


New Member
If you're concerned about liability form possible leaks, consider having a place that fabricates commercial kitchens build you a welded seam stainless-steel tray a few inches larger around than your tank to contain any possible leaks.


Thanks Phoenix, thats not a bad idea.
Im not sure if Im more worried about the tank going through the floor... doubt it, or something backfiring and water all over the floor.


You probably wouldn't have to have someone fabricate a drip tray for you. The a/c units in our restaraunt all have drip trays that are huge ( at least 6" deep and big enough to hold a 2 ton a/c unit). You can call a local a/c servicer and they can tell you where to get one alot cheaper than having in made. It will also help distribute the weight sense it is steel.


Load bearing wall.....
Im not sure which wall in my apt that would be. Its going in the kitchen/dining room. The wall I was gonna put it against is the wall that connects to my room. The opposite wall goes out to the stair well.
Any suggestions?
I had a dream last night that the tank went through the floor!


I found this online - should help but the best adviseis to put it on an outside wall
Look at the structure of the house and ask the following questions:
Is there a significant load above, such a built-up (multi-board) carrying beam or another wall? Is there a full floor above it, or just an empty attic?
If you can view the joists in the attic, is the wall parallel or perpendicular to them? Generally, load bearing walls are perpendicular to the joists they support. If two separate floor joists or ceiling joists intersect over a wall, that wall should be considered load bearing.
Is it an outside wall? You should consider all outside walls load bearing. If the house has been remodeled, a former outside wall could now be an inside wall. Examine the foundation to find these "stealth" outside walls.
Look at the beams and posts in the basement. In multi-floor dwellings, posts and beams in the basement indicate bearing walls above them, even up two floors. Be aware that these multi-floor bearing walls may not be directly above each other.
In complex, large homes, the basement can be a jungle of carrying beams and posts, crisscrossed and interlocked. Careful inspection is necessary to determine how this maze of beams supports the house, and its effect on the walls above.


I wish I could put it on an outside wall, but theres 3 large windows and heating that runs along the floor. I live in an apartment so I cant really look at anything.


I have my 110 gallon tank against the divider wall from my living room to the dining room. I also live in an apartment but since the layout of all floors are the same that wall dividing the rooms goes all the way up
think of it like this - the tank is lighter then a water bed and people put them in appartments all the time! or an old cast iron tub
you should be fine


:mad: Dont you hate it when you call a store and ask if they have something (like a 72 gal bow fornt stand) and theyre like "yeah" so youre like "ok, ill be down to look at it" and theyre like "oh we have to order it"


Where do you shop at I see your in Sagamore - have you tried to venture to RI at all to either Rumsfords or Rhode Island Aquiriam?