Tank Is a little cloudy


This is my first dsb w/refugium and I have about a 5 inch base of pink samoa sand.. How long should it take to clear up..I have had other tanks but they have had canister/hang on filters this one really has none,, I have not added the live rock yet I was going to let it cycle first hoping to preserve more of the life on it..The tank has been running about 4 days now and is still cloudy.


Active Member
Can take a while also helps if you run a power filter such as a magnum or a Vortex filter.
It would help clear up your tank if you put some type of filter on it. If I were you I would add the lr now. Your tank isn't really going to cycle until you add something that will put off ammonia.


I added some uncooked shrimp to help cycle it..The reason I didn't add the live rock was hopefully to complete the major cylce first and then have a mini cyle once the lr is added hoping to preserve more of the inhabitants..Does this make sense?