tank is a little foggy



OK i have had the tank up for like 4 weeks. The tests are ok. Its just started to get a little foggy. I just did a 25% water change. Any help would be great.

naclh2o nut

It is probably and algea or bacteria bloom. either way it is normal. Watch it for a couple of days, add carbon if you don't already have some.
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Yes but i just put in new filter in. Still foggy anything else I can do?


Active Member
Not much at this point since the tank is so new. I would probably just let the tank establish itself some more. Possibly do another small water change in a few days.
What kind of water are you using? What kind of salt?
How long do you let your new water mix/aerate before adding it to the tank?


New Member
Hey! This may not help, but I just had a huge amount of copepods in my tank and they ended up making it cloudy. If you see little white things crawling everywhere it may be them and they are good. I just had so many it made my tank cloudy....they are thinning out now!


I just tested the water for ammonia and nitrites both are fine. I did a another 25% water change and that made it worst. Anything else i can do to help this along?
Thanks again guys.
Sounds to me like a sandstorm. I have heard of people taking a long time after setting up a tank for this to settle. Where are your powerheads aimed and how powerful are they? Can you see any spots where the sand is being moved and you can see the bottom glass?