tank is crashing!!-!


ok thank you now will my nitrates ever lower without a waterchange because my mom works when the LFS is open. so i can only get water in a month!


Active Member
get your own DI or Ro system. I got my DI system online made by aquarium pharmasuticals for only 30 bucks. type it into google. Or buy RO water form walmart or something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
ok thank you now will my nitrates ever lower without a waterchange because my mom works when the LFS is open. so i can only get water in a month!
unfortunatly no it wont, water changes is a must do in any tank system.if you have to use tap then do so but treat water with prime before hand let it sit for at least 5 min before adding to your tank but do make sure your salt is fully desolved before adding it to the tank.prime will nutrilize nitrates and amonia but will not accually remove it.will also remove chlorine and chlorimine from the tap water making it fish safe.tap is normally not recommened but alot of use it or have used it with no major problems.but I think most can agree using tap is much better than not doing a water change at all. I hope this helps


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
okok i feel like my tank is crashing.. here is the story..
i have 4 fish a GS maroon clown, a yellowtailed damsel a kole tang and a yellow tang.(dont comment about the tangs lol)
my nitrates were 20 so i did a 10% waterchange. three days later which is today i checked the water. the nitrates were 40!! i tripple checked and yes it was 40!!. the only thing that is wrong is..
i started to get red algae again!! (i use RO water)
my water is not topped off (2 inches from the top)
my sal is 1.027 (doing a freshwater topp off tomorow.)
my ph is 8
my ALK is 140.
i havent changed my filter cartiges for 3.5 months. exepf for the crabon. every month.
and i added a seabe anemonie 2 days before the waterchange.
Tangs are big waste producers so they are contrubuting to your nitrate problem as your system is too small for two tangs and the rest of the inhabitants.
The cyano is an indication you have high nutrients in your system.....with the previous mentioned as one of the DEFINITE contributors.
You said you did not want to hear regarding the tangs, but it is impossible to ignore them given your problem. I guess you are looking for folks to say they are not contributing to the problem....impossible.
I would start a regular maintenance routine cleaning the filter pads. THese are nitrate factories if left dirty.
Do not be surprised if you see your yellow develop red streaks from por water quality and stress from cramped quarters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
i added a seabe anemonie 2 days before the waterchange.
I thought I told you previously in another post of yours that you shouldn't be adding in anything else until you learn your stuff and wait until your tank settle!

Your asking for more trouble by adding that anemone in. I dunno what to tell you....


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
ok thank you now will my nitrates ever lower without a waterchange because my mom works when the LFS is open. so i can only get water in a month!
According to your profile you are 19. Is there a reason you can't get to the store for water yourself?
Good water (no surprise here) is crucial. If you don't have easy access to it your tank would be better served housing reptiles.
You have GOT to slow down with your tank... you're going from crisis to crisis.. from stocking mistake to worse mistake...
Get water quality under control, wait a month or two, then begin to plan what to add next.
This forum has some brilliant people on it, but none of them can put out the fires you keep building in your tank.


Gotta go with Mikeyjer and 1journeyman. Many people have told you to stop adding anything until you get everything under control.
Don't be so quick to panic though. High nitrates are easily cured with water changes. You'll have to face facts though, overfeeding with big waste producers in a small tank means that you'll have to do more water changes than once a month. I agree with the others, cut back on feeding. Get a protein skimmer if you don't already have one and if getting water from the store more often is a problem invest in your own RO/DI unit.
No excuses because what's your alternative? I guess you could dump chemicals or something in there instead but that's just pouring money right down the drain and then getting to the store to keep buying chemicals is going to be a problem for you it sounds like. It'd be sooooo much cheaper to get the RO/DI unit and then you don't have to worry about getting to the fish store. Your only other choice that I can see is to let the nitrates do what they will and pray that you turn out to be that one in a million who's fish live anyway. It's not a gamble I would take though, the odds are way too long.


As far as brine shrimp, if you must use them try freeze dried brine shrimp. Sometimes they're sold as "vitamin enriched" or you can soak them in vitamins yourself. They'd be healthier for the fish and not polute your water nearly as much.


Active Member
You have two tangs :notsure: ? That is way to many tangs unless they're still small and you can upgrade to a bigger tank or give them back. Look into yellow eyed tangs they're suitable for 4 foot tanks, remember no matter how expensive it is you need to stay ontop of maintnance. RO water should be like a quarter a gallon, spend ten bucks and you'll have a good amount of top off water. Hope this helps, and the best thing you can do to control your nitrates is do water changes.


Originally Posted by fishieness
get your own DI or Ro system. I got my DI system online made by aquarium pharmasuticals for only 30 bucks. type it into google. Or buy RO water form walmart or something.

I just wondered about the DI system you mentioned. How complex is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MrsTwig
I just wondered about the DI system you mentioned. How complex is that?
not at all..... plug it in to your sink with an adapter that comes with it. turn on your water so it comes out relativly slowly. wait. the end


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
Look into yellow eyed tangs they're suitable for 4 foot tanks...
He already has a yellow eye (Kole) tang.


Active Member
An RO kit will remove about 85% of heavy metals, organic solvents, ect..... a DI filter will disolve 97.7%. The only thing is you have to replace the filter much much more than an RO system. This is why a DI is usualy sold as a compartment to run off of an RO system to remove almost everything. But this one jsut plugs into your sink.