Tank is cycling cured or uncured rock?


Right now my tank is going through it's cycle. The ammonia is still high and the nitrites are steadily clinming..I started the cycle with a bare tank 5inch dsb base and a couple of supermarket shrimp. Should I buy cured rock or uncured rock being that my tank is going to have the main cycle complete when I stock it

nm reef

Active Member
I've used uncured rock to cycle with......works well.....I plan to build a 220 reef and that system will cycle with 90-145 lbs of uncured lr....then after the cycle I will build the rest of the live rock with fully cured hand picked rock........


hey bigg, were the supermarket shrimp alive?!! never heard of this idea before... sounds great, probably is CHEAP too!


Used uncooked raw shrimp from the grocery store..They were sold by the pound..Got 3 pieces and it cost me 39cents.
So should I go with uncylced lr then..Is it worth the cost savings I won't be adding any inverts/ coral until the cycle completes

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I would go uncured to set-up and cycle a system. Not nearly the entire amount you plan to have. Maybe a half of the eventual total. When I set-up the 220 I plan to order on-line for approximately 90-135 lbs of un-cured LR and that will be the kick start for my cycle. It does take longer...but I think its worth it in the long run. Then after the cycle I plan to hand pick the rest of the lr and build it slowly to the way I want it.
<a href="http://members.3lefties.com/bdjr/index.html" target="_blank">NM REEF</a>