tank is still cycling question.....

i set my 29 gallon biocube up sept 3rd.it has 35 lb live rock and 20 lb of live sand .my amonia ,nitrite and nitrate all spiked .bout week ago my amonia dropped to 0 but my nitries is .750 and nitrates are 20 on a api test kit.my ph is 7.8 is there anything i need to do ?i havent done anywater changes didnt think i had to.i know i need to higher my ph any tips?thanks


Active Member
In the "old days" a cycle took a good 6 weeks. The fact that you are only a bit over 17 days is fine and normal.
First confirm with your LFS all of the readings. To understand pH you MUST have an alkalinity reading and calcium reading. Also try taking the pH test after lights on all day and first thing before the lights come on. These two readings are important. Then try keeping the cover open for at least 12 hours and see if the pH increases.
What circulation do you have in the tank?
IMO, you can do a water change and especially siphon out any gunk that may be lying around...did you add a raw shrimp or anything to cycle this tank or just LR?

eric b 125

ophiura, why no pH buffer? i dont use it, never had a pH prob (knock on wood) i'm just wondering. thanks.


ummm you best be buffering your top off water....
R/O water is extremely soft and usually has a PH around 4.


Active Member
You can use buffer, IF it is needed.
The issue is most people throw pH buffer in - which is often an akalinity buffer, and pay no attention to calcium, alkalinity and sometimes the variability of pH. So they are causing significant harm without realizing it.
pH issues can be caused by a variety of factors, only some of which may be resolved by buffer :)


Originally Posted by ophiura
You can use buffer, IF it is needed.
The issue is most people throw pH buffer in - which is often an akalinity buffer, and pay no attention to calcium, alkalinity and sometimes the variability of pH. So they are causing significant harm without realizing it.
pH issues can be caused by a variety of factors, only some of which may be resolved by buffer :)
would you agree with needing to add buffer to the R/O top off water? ( in propper amounts ofcourse) personally i add 1/4 teaspoon of Kent super buffer to each 5 gallon jug of water that i use for top off. No problems here.


Active Member
Just hang in there. I am new at this hobby too, My tank was set up Aug 19 and my cycle is just about to be over, I'm doing tests friday and if they're good its all done. So you still have a while to go, "patience goes a long way in this hobby" is something I have learned to accept.


Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
whats wrong with what I said? My tank is done cycling is that better? seriously whats wrong with it?
Think of it this way.....the cycle of life is continuous.... like a circle....if the cycle ends, that means DEATH
So when we cycle our tanks, it is best to say the INITIAL cycle...:)

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The only way we can keep our tank inhabitance is to CONTINUALLY cycle ammonia to nitrites via nitrification.


Active Member
Yes I know what the cycle is and that it is always going. And you know what I meant. Don't need to shoot me down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Think of it this way.....the cycle of life is continuous.... like a circle....if the cycle ends, that means DEATH
So when we cycle our tanks, it is best to say the INITIAL cycle...:)
See Meowzer was nice about it.
opihura im just cycling with live rock and sand.i didnt put anything in tank to help it cycle.i have the 237 gph biocube stock pump and a korila 1 powerhead for circulation.my water is good no algae gunk nothing


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
why do people always say this

Sadly I think this needed explanation at the time and may have been a bit misunderstood. :(
calbert0 - I will never give a "blank check" approach to any additive. If it is needed, it is great to use :) Many people do this with top off water, but many people don't and are ok. As long as they are keeping tank of the tank parameters for alk, calcium, pH...good deal

techshredder - did you try leaving the top open and repeating the pH test? I would do that morning and evening reading. pH problems can be cause by a gas exchange issue, or by various imbalances. Your alk and calcium readings may help also. I don't think your pH is stalling your cycle or anything, but it is a good thing to get on top of before animals go in. I suspect overall it will just take some more time :) This is good, patience is the number 1 key to success in the hobby.