tank is struggling

u mike

I am having some trouble with my tank.
here are some of the latest things happening
my mushroom corals are shrinking , a frag I bought a month a ago will no open ( it was open for 2 weeks now nothing}
I also got a star polyp will not open
I have had some test done at the store, ( I feel very good with these guys have been dealing with them for years) they checked magnesium fine ( don't know the # ) they checked for phosphate nothing salinity was fine I tested for nitrate nothing I tested alk fine the only thing out of wack is PH was 8.5 I have done 2 water changes 20 & a 15 calcium is around 400 (trying to get it up just a little)
I have not changed anything I do in the way of mantince. the lfs wants me to check my bulbs ( I changed them back in 5/06/10)
I even checked my water I was making for the water change seems fine
is there any thing i am missing


Active Member
if your cal is 400 and ph is 8.5 (on the high side) then alc is off and not fine as they said or are you dosing


Well-Known Member

Was this a new tank? If not the previous owners may have used copper. I'm just tossing ideas out here.


Well-Known Member

The last picture shows a baby mushroom..how old is that picture? I do see the shriveled up one, is that the same one as in the last picture?
ok what i was thinking was copper but if the only thin you added was a fish then it shouldnt be that. something i would recomend it to buy a poly-pad poly-filter they are amazing you pit it in the water and it will change colors to what you have, blue is copper and brown is just waste and fish poop but it also tests for a bunch of other stuff and it removes large amounts of what ever is in the water
Originally Posted by u mike http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343582
added a new fish but that was after QT
Originally Posted by fish are good
Have you got any new live within the last six months??? or used sand???


Originally Posted by u mike http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343555
according to the test kit i have for alk it is right in the fine side.
Originally Posted by IBEW41
if your cal is 400 and ph is 8.5 (on the high side) then alc is off and not fine as they said or are you dosing
pH, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium are all intertwined. If you pH is 8.5 and your Ca is 400, something is wrong.
How old are your test kits and what are your Magnesium and Alkalinity readings?


Well-Known Member

Okay...I asked because if the baby was new then you had some happy life going on. Time to double check everything...You chcked your water and that isn't the problem...
So time to check out everything else:

  • The heater, too hot or too cold?

  • Stray voltage (you need a cheap reader to test it)

  • Do you have any Hair algae or other nuisence algae at all, if so go ahead and change the bulbs.
    Do a copper test..maybe there is a stray penny ( it happened to a friend of mine)
    Have you checked for ammonia?
    Do you feed your coral?

u mike

the alk test that I have reads like this 1.7 to 2.8 as normal i fall right in the middle when i test, the mag reading was done at the fish store dont remember what they said it was. they said it came back fine.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343611
Originally Posted by u mike http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343555
according to the test kit i have for alk it is right in the fine side.
Originally Posted by IBEW41
if your cal is 400 and ph is 8.5 (on the high side) then alc is off and not fine as they said or are you dosing
pH, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium are all intertwined. If you pH is 8.5 and your Ca is 400, something is wrong.
How old are your test kits and what are your Magnesium and Alkalinity readings?


Originally Posted by u mike http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343623
the alk test that I have reads like this 1.7 to 2.8 as normal i fall right in the middle when i test, the mag reading was done at the fish store dont remember what they said it was. they said it came back fine.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382823/tank-is-struggling#post_3343611
Originally Posted by u mike
according to the test kit i have for alk it is right in the fine side.
Originally Posted by IBEW41
if your cal is 400 and ph is 8.5 (on the high side) then alc is off and not fine as they said or are you dosing
pH, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium are all intertwined. If you pH is 8.5 and your Ca is 400, something is wrong.
How old are your test kits and what are your Magnesium and Alkalinity readings?
Ok, what I'm trying to say is they are all relavtive. Ex, if you're Ca is 400, alk should read around 2, so yes, there you are good. But then you have a high pH reading of 8.5, this, IMO and IME is not good, something is effecting this.


Active Member
I'm in agreement with BLTDreef, the PH is definitely high, and I am really suspicious of when you say numbers check out fine.....I'd bet my next check they are out of whack as suggested.....Ca driven and high PH.....retest the Alk and Mag....What brand kits are you using?


Active Member
Also, check the expiration dates of everything purchased. I have been to several LFS's in the area, and have found multiple expired products available for sale.