tank just cycled!! what fish do i get??


Active Member
my tank just cycled!!!! im so happy :jumping: what fish should i get its a 90 gallon tank and its going to be aggressive! i was thinking of a gold stripe maroone clownfish but the guy at my lfs said they are not good as my first fish they are to delicate .........i thought they were hardy :help: if they arent would you guys give me suggestions


Active Member
What's your over all plan for the tank?? Some fish need to be added before others or at the same time to help eliminate aggression.
Whatever you start with, start slow and small to allow the tank time to mature. Give at LEAST 4-6 weeks between each addition unless you have two that need to be added together.
MOST OF ALL, have fun with it!!!! Stocking a tank can be as fun as watching it mature.


Active Member
yeah i plan on adding
clown trigger witch i will add last
a puffer (im thinkin guiniea fowl if not no puffer)
picasso trigger
purple tang
blue tang
gold stripe marrone clown
emperor angel
another fish not sure yet maybe a dragon wrasse
does that sound good to you guys if not could you give me an aggressive stocking list


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
i was thinking of a gold stripe maroone clownfish but the guy at my lfs said they are not good as my first fish they are to delicate

Hmmm, never heard that one. In comparision to other SW fish, I wouldn't list a GSM clown as a delicate fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
yeah i plan on adding
clown trigger witch i will add last
a puffer (im thinkin guiniea fowl if not no puffer)
picasso trigger
purple tang
blue tang
gold stripe marrone clown
emperor angel
another fish not sure yet maybe a dragon wrasse
does that sound good to you guys if not could you give me an aggressive stocking list

there is no naso in the list what makes you think that


i would go with the clown first it will be the least sencsative of all that you have listed and i it were me i would try to find a pair i think you will like it in the long run if you want to try your on pairing get one larger one and one smaller one just my 2 cents


i would go with the clown first it will be the least sencsative of all that you have listed and if it were me i would try to find a pair. i think you will like it in the long run if you want to try your on pairing get one larger one and one smaller one just my 2 cents.


Whoa Whoa slow down..
I know it is exciting but you can't have all of those fish in a 90 gallon. Pick out the ones you really like and get only 3-4 or less if they are bigger fish. I wouldn'd get an angel, eventually it will probably outgrow your tank. Remember, 1-3 inches of fish per gallon, but rules can be broken!! Not suggested


Active Member
i will buy these all small ...i wont get the wrasse then i probobly wont get the puffer either would that be better??


I just checked and it says on this site that they need 120 minimum, but I am told that to be comfortable they need like 150.


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
my tank just cycled!!!! im so happy :jumping: what fish should i get its a 90 gallon tank and its going to be aggressive! i was thinking of a gold stripe maroone clownfish but the guy at my lfs said they are not good as my first fish they are to delicate .........i thought they were hardy :help: if they arent would you guys give me suggestions

Start with a good clean up crew first. THEN add fish. 1 fish every 3-4 weeks.


New Member
you should start out with a few damsels and see if they die or survive if they do when u decide when you want to get your aggressive fish give the damsels back to the store or something.