Tank Lighting


Hello all, i've had my 29 gallon for about 8 months now and have been VERY successful for the past 3 months especially at keeping things alive. As a somewhat new hobbiest thost first couple months were a bit rough. But i digress...
I'm interested in purchasing some nifty colorful corals for my tank and am just curious about lighting. I have a 20 Watt Coralife 50/50 light for my tank. I wasn't sure how good it would be for inverts like corals and anenomes, so i purchased a small Florida Condi Anenome for $4 from my LF a month ago, and it has tripled in size in that time!
So I guess my question is are corals more sensitive to light than my type of anenome? they're more expensive obviously, and i don't want it to die.


My tank is a 29 and I have 225w that are produced by my VHOs. Will this lighting be sufficient for hard sps corals? Sorry to hack


I'm actually quite suprise your little sea critter is still alive and growing. I would suggest about 5-7 watts per gallon based on how deep your tank is...the deeper it is the harder it is for light to penetrate so you need more wattage. My brother started a 90 gal reef and he has a 400 watt halide with 260 power compact. For your tank i'd suggest getting the strongest power compact that fits the length of your tank.


Thanks for the advice guys! I'll steer free of corals for the time being and just enjoy the success my anenome is showing. Once i get some more money and can afford a better lighting hood i'll have to take another look at corals. Thanks again :happyfish