Tank Limits


Basically done putting fish in my tank...but still kind of on the edge...
Its a 55 gallon with about 80 lbs of live rock.
Lion Fish
Por. Puffer
Coral Beauty
Lawn Mower
Maroon Clown
Snowflake Eel
Two feather dusters
5 Hermits
Colt ( Large)
And some other coral but not large
All in all my tank setup allows for maximum live rock with plenty of swimming room. I am more concerned with my bioload...right now I have an emperior 400. Looking to get a Pro SKimmer but not sure which one I want to go with. Also if I were to add one more fish it would be something along the lines of a coral beauty..so any suggestions welcome.
some pictures can be found here

darth tang

Active Member
coral beauty and lawn mower will most likely become dinner.
I will let someone else touch on overstocking.


Active Member
Hate to say it but you are wayyyyy overstocked and should return fish rather then add more fish. Your puffer can get to over a foot in length, the lion (guessing it’s a Volitan) can reach over a foot in length and the snowflake can get up to 2’ in the wild. Also, all of these fish are voracious eaters and will put out copious amounts of waste. I’d return all three and use the store credit to get the Coral beauty. Or think about return 2 of the 3 monsters.


Active Member
I'd return the fish and then use the store credit to upgrade your very light filtration.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
I'd return the fish and then use the store credit to upgrade your very light filtration.
Very good idea!


Well the coral beauty and lawn mower are not going to get eaten because my lion is a big sally. All my fish get along fine.. I have had the Maroon, Puffer and Volitan for almost 3 months with no troubles...my water chem test turn out just fine and IM very good about keeping my tank clean with water changes. I know that I must get a P. Skimmer soon Im just waiting to save up the money so I dont have to sacrafice on quality. So that will be coming with in two weeks.
I dont know if there is confusion on what I want to add...right now I already have those fish on the list not wanting to add more of those:
1 puffer
1 Lion
1 Snow Flake
1 Marroon
2 Feather Dusters
1 Colt
My Cleaning is Emperor 400 Power Filter...from what I have read it is one of the best that you can get with out going up to another level( Bio-Balls/sump system). Once I get my Pro. Skimmer I thought that my filtration with my live rock and live sand would be an ample amount of filtration???

darth tang

Active Member
Ok, keep telling yourself your lion won't eat them. I know people that have said the same thing, "they get along fine". My Panther grouper got along fine with the molly I had in the tank for 5 months. Then one day the molly was gone. My Panther grouper was a sally as well........so ignore the advise and suggestions given. That is fine. Just don't post in a panic when you have a problem in a few months. We will tell you the same thing then as well.


Active Member
My biggest concern is the filtration you have on your tank. It's not even close to what you need with a stock list like that.
Then, the Porc. and Lion will get WAY to big and would require no less than 180gal.


Well they are very small right now. I am just starting up and will eventually move up to a bigger tank. And that would be by this time next year. Will they out grow that fast...?????
As far as better filtration what do you suggest, less a sump system?


Active Member
How small is "very small"?
If you cant set up a sump system, you need to AT LEAST have a good protien skimmer on the tank.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by aaronz
Well they are very small right now. I am just starting up and will eventually move up to a bigger tank. And that would be by this time next year. Will they out grow that fast...?????
As far as better filtration what do you suggest, less a sump system?
Depends on their diet. My grouper went from 4 inches to almost 10 inches in 6 months.


Active Member

Originally Posted by aaronz
Basically done putting fish in my tank...but still kind of on the edge...
Its a 55 gallon with about 80 lbs of live rock.
Lion Fish
Por. Puffer
Coral Beauty
Lawn Mower
Maroon Clown
Snowflake Eel
Two feather dusters
5 Hermits
Colt ( Large)
And some other coral but not large
some pictures can be found here
Do you realize how much "output" shall I say the eel is going to give your bioload on top of the other fish you have in the tank?
Eeels create A LOT
of waste and I'd re-think what you have in the tank and get rid of something.
My snowflake was 14-1/2 inches long six months ago and I'll bet he is pushing 16 inches now. If you don't keep the eel well fed (what goes in must come out!) you will have a hell of a buffet for him to pick from.
Just some food (minus the output) for thought...
Denise M.


So you want to add a lawnmower, coral beauty, and 5 hermit crabs? Let's assume you have one of the relatively smaller lionfish which will ideally grow to about 6" or so.
1 puffer = 11.8"
1 Lion = 6"
1 Snow Flake = 29.5"
1 Marroon = 6.3"
That's 53.6" of fish already. If you go by the freshwater rule of 1" of fish per gallon you'd be ok but this is not freshwater plus you have animals in the tank that require more pristine water conditions than you've got. For any kind of saltwater aquarium you've got too much.
Lion Fish
Por. Puffer
Coral Beauty
Lawn Mower
Maroon Clown
Snowflake Eel
Two feather dusters
5 Hermits
Colt ( Large)
And some other coral but not large
This is about 62" of fish. You tell us if that's overstocked.


Active Member
I totally agree on the filtration issues and the overstocking. 3 months is no where near enough time to really see the impact of having these types of fish long term. So I would strongly reconsider your stocking level, and your filtration. That is a great filter for a freshwater tank of that size. It is not properly designed or efficient enough for a saltwater predator tank of that size I am afraid. Good filter, wrong tank.


this will be a good excuse to upgrade your tank in the future, your fish are probibaly all ok for right now, but you should just be aware your going to have a rocky road ahead.
If your planning on upgrading, which I belive you had said you were going to, then you should have no worries.
I would suggest if your in the market for better filteration, you may want to buy a filter that can handle the larger upgrade tank.
you may want to look into a sump, skimmer, powerheads(for circulation)
but you have to realise your looking at a 100+ gal tank, for your pork and lion,
your eel should be fine in a tank this size, HOWEVER you may want to rethink your fish selection and look into compatibility for an aggressive tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
is it me or is aw2 always negative?

I do not find that. If you are assuming the post has a negative tone then you will find it. I often find his answers informative. Very efficient in the answers, which on a message board can come across as being negative or abrupt...but there may be no intent to be negative at all. That is the danger of message boards and why fights often break out for no apparent reason.
There was not a bit of advice in this thread from AW2 that was, IMO, negative. The facts are the tank is overstocked and underfiltered. Basic experience with these animals and tank keeping makes that clear. Straight and to the point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
is it me or is aw2 always negative?
hes not negative, hes giving honest advice


Active Member
Originally Posted by aaronz
Well they are very small right now. I am just starting up and will eventually move up to a bigger tank. And that would be by this time next year. Will they out grow that fast...?????
As far as better filtration what do you suggest, less a sump system?
lions do grow at a faster rate .if you keep your lion well fed the chances of him eating your smaller fish is minimized .but not garenteed .personally Im not fond of the emporor systems as hangs ons I always prefered aquaclear but thats not saying your wont suffice
weekly water changes of 25% and media replacement are going to be very nessisary so if you keep these up problems will be minimal .make sure you do have adiquite water flow such as extra powerheads.Im not familiar with the small sally lion I only keep volitans which do eat like crazy.if i skip feedings for them they do try to eat other tank mates.you wouldnt think a fish of 7 inches in length could swallow a fish of 5-6 inches long but it can be done.learned that the hard way..upgrading is definatly a good idea .you could add another hang filter to keep up with higher waste management even concider a canister.