Tank looking bad!!!


Originally Posted by peter1215
so how did you get rid of all that brown algae? Ive been getting a lot of green hair algae on my rocks and cant get rid of it
scraped and picked, I got a lawnmower blenny also, He was about an inch when i got him now he is like four, he eats that stuff all day. Algae monster :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by foundanemo
Alright here is an update for every one perc clown, lownmower blenny, toadstool and (green ricordea that are splitting). Take a look at the pics before and after. I wanna thank everyone for all their help.
OMG!! You must be SO PROUD of this accomplishment. Good for you for hanging in there and putting good advice into motion...heck...I'M PROUD of you!! :jumping: :jumping:
Way to go!!
Lisa :happyfish


It really isn't that hard to get rid of problems like algae, and water quality problems. It all stems down to one thing, what kind of water you put in your tanks. I believe now after trial and error that if your going to get into this hobby, the first piece of equipment a hobbyist needs to buy is a RO-DI unit. It is the difference of day and night on your water. :happyfish :happyfish and your fish will thank you by living longer


Active Member
Originally Posted by foundanemo
It really isn't that hard to get rid of problems like algae, and water quality problems. It all stems down to one thing, what kind of water you put in your tanks. I believe now after trial and error that if your going to get into this hobby, the first piece of equipment a hobbyist needs to buy is a RO-DI unit. It is the difference of day and night on your water. :happyfish :happyfish and your fish will thank you by living longer

And you'll be able to enjoy a healthier little eco system in your home. What kind of RO-DI unit did you get? I'm looking into purchasing one for my 2 tanks and to help my daughter out with her 55.
Again, great job...what a difference!!!
Lisa :happyfish
nice turn around .an amazing tank behind all that algae . u have amazing patience . haha if that was me i would have lost my mind . by the way why did u wait till it got that bad. make sure u get new test kits and test periodicaly. keep it up and glad to know u stuck in there


Active Member
That is pretty impressive. I wish my lawnmower ate algea, but he prefers pods and oysters. Doesn't he know he is suppost to eat algea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
And you'll be able to enjoy a healthier little eco system in your home. What kind of RO-DI unit did you get? I'm looking into purchasing one for my 2 tanks and to help my daughter out with her 55.
Again, great job...what a difference!!!
Lisa :happyfish
You can get the Coralife Pure-Flo II RO/DI unit (50 gpd) for only $150 from the doctors. It's the one I'm going to get as soon as I have some extra cash. It's the lowest price I've seen and I can't remember the name, but someone on here uses it and says it does great. Why pay more when you don't need to.
Save the money for more fish/corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ncoastconstceo
Where is the ugliest tank contest? I havent seen it yet
It was a few months back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by foundanemo
Alright here is an update for every one perc clown, lownmower blenny, toadstool and (green ricordea that are splitting). Take a look at the pics before and after. I wanna thank everyone for all their help.
Vast improvement, nice work


That was an awsome clean up man! I had the same issue as I trusted someone to feed my fish for 9 days and forgot to measure out the food
. I got home and the tank was literally covered in algae. I couldn't even see in until I opened up the top and checked to see if they were alive. I did a major scrub on the glass and a water change. (took me about 2.5 hours to clean the glass.
) Still have some but not nearly as bad. I just bought a Lettuce Nudi, 2 cleaner shrimp and a decorator crab to add to my hermit crab cleanup crew. They are starting to make an impact as it has only been 3 days now but hey they are doing the job.
Deffinately not an ugly tank anymore, keep up the good job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
looks much better! did you win the ugliest tank contest
You may not have won the ugliest tank contest but you get most improved in my book.
Awsome job


WOW nice turn around the before was REALLY bad but the after is beautiful. Nice tank, like the rockwork.
Are you going to get more stuff?