Tank looks like hell


Tanks been up for a couple months now, and I just cant seem to get rid of Brown algea! It comes back every day, thick as can be. All over the glass and bottom. The tank cycled with tap water but now I've been doing water changes with RO water. I've done 5 gallons then a week later 10 gallons. Phos's test 0. T-5 lights on 12 hours a day. Nitrates 0. I'm at a loss. I cant look at it anymore. It a 55 gal, 25lbs of live rock, 2 power filters, skimmer. Good water movement. Any Ideas?


Would it help to keep the lights off for longer? Thought I heard that somewhere. Also, have you tried getting some fighting conchs? Turbos? etc.


the lights are probably the reason its growing so fast. if they are hanging lights move them up if not just leave them off longer! cleaning crew doesnt need light anyways.


Active Member
What do you consider good water movement? What is you total flow? You should also add a lot more live rock. Where in Philly are you located?-


I have the current usa t-5 216watt 2 day 2act. I have mushrooms and zoos. also a bubble tip in there. If I cut the lights from 12hours a day to eight that should be ok? I live in South Philly


leave it totally off for a day, it wont kill anything if your livestock is currently healthy, then start at 8 hrs, slowly move up to 10-12


Active Member
did i read taht right? in the past few months you have only dont a total of 15 gallons of water changes? That means you havent gotten rid of all the minerals and such foudn int he tap water. you probably have some silicates in there. are you running carbon.


Active Member
do NOT. change it all. that will shock your fish and corals as well as make you go though a cycle again. just start doing normal water changes of about 10-15% a week and run some carbon. after a few weeks you should be okay.