tank mate ideas for oscallaris, algae blenny, and 6 line wrasse pls!


Active Member
If you really like the six line, go for it, however, this is a fish I will NEVER house again, my experience was super aggressive. Have you looked into other wrasse, some of them are absolutely amazing. I have a mystery wrasse, that I call Joker because of his color placement, look it up and you will see.
Secondly, he is a peaceful tank mate and gets along fine with my McCosker's Flasher wrasse.
Like I said, there are a lot of wrasse, if you have done your research and love him, grab him, enjoy him. Just know that if he becomes annoying (to put it lightly), you will have to rip your entire tank apart to get him, unless you he falls for a fish trap.



How much did u pay for those if you done mind me asking. Theyre like $100 ish each right? For me, i feel im a little too new to the hobby to feel comfortable spending that money on a fish lol... even if they are easy to keep, id hate myself if it died lol


Active Member
I got mine from a guy locally both for 70$ total. Yes they are a little expensive online. Most likely if you check out a local hobby site, someone can get their hands on them for less. I don't think I saw them is SWF sale section. McCoskers run about 30$ and Mystery runs about 100$.
I mentioned these, because once you get comfortable and confident in your skills, with a sixline, he may beat them up.


If he becomes a problem, he will live in my divided 10 gal qt. I have a snail and a hermit in there right now to assess his aggressiveness with them.... i have plenty of snails and the red leg i have in there is the only one who picks on my corals anuway, hes a jerk so he became the guinnea pig lol