Tank mates for a porc puffer


I currently have a 150G tank with a 3 inch porc puffer that has been up and running for a few months now. Now that he has established a territory I would like to get something else in the tank. I did have a yellow tang, but it died over a month ago. I was warned by this forum to stay away from tangs untill my tank is totally established. What would be a good tank mate for my puffer? He was really good friends with the tang(even protected him after he died), so I can only hope for just as good as a relationship. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.


I'd try a panther grouper, huma huma trigger, or a lionfish.
I dont like to mix big messy meat eaters like puffers or triggers with tangs, but that's just me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by perchpsk
I'd try a panther grouper, huma huma trigger, or a lionfish.
I dont like to mix big messy meat eaters like puffers or triggers with tangs, but that's just me.
All 3 of those fish you just listed ARE big, messy eaters...


I have a porc puffer, and he gets along great with the other fish...I have a stars and stripes puffer a v-tail grouper, panther grouper, huma huma trigger, blue jaw trigger, snowflake eel, green wolf eel, and a mantis shrimp, everyone loves eachother, no fighting


Active Member
My puffer gets along with every fish in the tank, his best friend is the lion, they swim together all the time. The puffer also spends alot of time with a pink tail trigger, they chase eachother around, but they are not fighting, its like they are racing eachother, its funny to watch.


I have a puffer with a piccaso trigger and a snowflake eel. The puffer and the trigger are really good friends. My sfe bites the puffer during feeding. I don't know if all sne are like that or mine is just extremely aggresive. My puffer has puffed up once because the snowflake eel got his tail.


So if I got a lion, it would probably depend on their personalities on compatabilty? I've always liked lions so that would be my choice if I got one. What size would be best if I did this to start with as my puffer is about 3 inches right now?


Active Member
porcy puffers are very friendly in general, sure you can always get the nasty one but they are fine most of the time.
I have
1 - 6" porcy
1 - 9" golden
1 - 4" coral beauty
1 - 3" yellow tang
1 - 2" hipo
1 - 6" hippo
1 - 3" clown


Would a dwarf lion or a violtan lion be better compatable with the porc puffer? Should I try and get one approx the same size as my puffer now? Or would either smaller or larger be better? :thinking:


Hit & Miss ......... It is just a combination that must be watched no matter how long they reside together. Puffers are known for harassing & picking at lions, in return the puffer can be stung by the lion...
Your tank is large enough for the Volitan but they are fast growers that produce some heavy waste. Volitan are easier to wean onto frozen foods than the fuzzy yet the fuzzy is a very cool lion that stays smaller so less waste.
What ever you decide just never get to comfortable with the combination........


I'm getting the impression off this thread and others that I've benn reading that getting a lion is not the greatest of ideas. Would a trigger work better? And should I get one about the same size as my puffer? :thinking:


Active Member
I have a tomato clown in with my puffers, no issues.
I heard maroon clown get aggressive when they get bigger, not sure?


I was possibly thinking of maybe a trigger not a clown. I already have a 2 inch clown in a 12G nano cube that is very happy. But should I get one approx the same size or a little smaller or bigger?


I would definitely not go with a lion. The puffer will nip at his fins and eventually eat him. If you waited a little longer tangs are good fun and colorful mates with a puffer as well as angelfish.


I did have a yellow tang in with him and they were best buddies. Unfortunately the tank wasn't mature enough for a tang and it died. I had thought about possibly another tang or angel but wanted to wait until the tank was more mature. Thats why I was thinking of possibly a trigger now.


Something that is quick and doesnt have long showy fins (lionfish) my porcupine is very sneaky and always takes bites out of fins when you're not there to see it (at night). They seem fascinated with fish that have long wavy fins and will follow them around the tank just staring at them till you leave, then they take a chomp out of them. I would highly suggest something like a smaller species of trigger or a rabbitfish maybe. I would definately stay away from lions.