Tank mates for Seahorses


Originally Posted by shannonoss
:notsure: Mandarins will eat flatworms?!?
Sorry if you misunderstood that. Coral Banded Shrimp will. The others I listed are very safe with seahorses.


Six lines are great, I have one in my 55. I think they would be way to much for a SH tank, it is only a little 12 gal. I also would worry it would compete for food with the horses to much also. I did have a pep shrimp in there until a couple months ago, he just got to big and was hogging all the food.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
not that i know of. but a 6 line might. not sure about thier personality with horses.
I have a clown gobie, and a jp cardinal and one pep shrimp with mine. none seem to bother them. my horses are trained to a feeding dish and sometimes the clown gobie will sit and eat with them.
Can you describe your feeding dish for me? or a pic? I've heard of that being done, but never seen it. My horses like to hitch to a finger and eat out of my hand.


Active Member
I haven't really set it up yet, but basically you can use a variety of things. One person used a leather toad stool, others use fake corals, basically just some type of container that has hitching posts for the horses. The main reason for having a "food dish" is so the horses imediately know where to go for breakfast when they see you coming. Other benefit is that the dish, depending where you place it, it can divert the flow of the water and keep the food from being whisked away in the current.
I hadn't made up my mind yet....I am still waiting for the tank to mature a tad more, which also gives me the opportunity to save more money.


Active Member
I use a lrg clam shell glued on top of another shell. I put thier hitch on top for now while training, but am going to move it beside soon. you can see it here


Active Member
Neato!!!!!! Your horses are beautiful!!! :happyfish
I was actually thinking about a clam shell!!!! I think I'll go with that then, cause your horses sure like theirs.


Active Member
yah. I have only have them a couple of weeks, but they seem to be settleing in really good, and really pay attentions when i come to the tank. I use a long clear tube to get the food to the feeding dish, and they are starting to come to the front when they see that tube.


Active Member
Awesome! Fish are really neat. Most people have no idea that they have neat little pesonalities and recognize the person who feeds them!
What have you been feeding you horses?
I bought some frozen baby brine shrimp, and I have a variety of other mixes, mysis shrimp and such. What are their favorites?


Active Member
dont use brine, not healthy for them. buy the PE mysis. its gut loaded with vitamins. you can feed live brine once and a while for a snack but you need to gut load them and also live ghost shrimp-gut loaded.


Active Member
PE mysis, gut loaded

live ghost shrimp-gut loaded. Do you keep these in a seperate tank, and if so what do your feed the little guys?


Active Member
here are a few things to use
As for enrichments, there's Kent Zoe, Zoecon, Naturose, Selcon, Vita Chem to name a few also phytoplan, spirulina ans cyclopeze
you dont have to use all of them, I use selcon and cyclop
there are some good posts on sea horse dot you know what about gut loading or enriching
I have a 2 gal that i keep either brine or ghost in. I feed my horses mainly PE mysis


Active Member

Do you just keep an air bubbler in the BS tank? I would think that anything strong would slurp them up into the filter. :happyfish