Tank Mates


I would like someone to give me a list of some easy, peaceful, and beautiful fish I can put in my tank with two ocellaris clowns. I have a 45 gallon tank and the fish also need to be coral safe. I have some ideas on what I want but need to get a few more ideas before I get some. Thanks for the help


Active Member
sixline wrasse, goby or blenny (not both), dottyback of some type, you could try some type of dwrf angelfish, but its hit or miss on being reef safe.

30-xtra high

Active Member
no angel, they usually nip at corals causing them to close and not be as nicelooking, i'd suggest:
2 occelaris clowns
1 royal gramma
1 sixline wrasse
3 blue/green chromis
1 bicolor blenny
all reef safe :joy: hope this helped


I went today and bought a royal gramma and a sixline wrasse. I have also bought my first anemone and a coral banded shrimp.


Active Member
slow down a bit. two fish an anemone and a cb shrimp is a lot to be added all at once.


Active Member
Some nice begginer fish for a tank your size are: blennys (i like bicolors the best), purple firefish, red firefish, gobys, sixline wrasse, flasher wrasse,fairy wrasse, dwarf angels (flame, and coralbeautys tend to be the most reef safe),chromis, royal gamma.
Of course dont add all of those, only a couple.


I actually didn't get to add the to other fish. I am going to wait about three weeks or more to add any other fish. I was wondering if anyone knows what to feed my cb shrimp. The guy at the fish store told me he would eat stuff off of my rock. But the website says that they need pellets and they like to eat bristle worms. I don't really have any bristle worms. So does anyone have any suggestions on what i should feed him. Thanks


Active Member
fresh seafood from the seafood market. stuff like scallops, clams, shrimp. you can feed this to everything.


I bought the mysis shrimp cubes from the live fish store, I also have brine shrimp and silversides for my anemone. Will the shrimp eat a silverside or should I try to give him some mysis or brine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NTank20
I went today and bought a royal gramma and a sixline wrasse. I have also bought my first anemone and a coral banded shrimp.
A coral banded shrimp is fine, however, don't put any other kind of shrimp with him.....he doesn't play nice. They will eat any other species of shrimp in that size of tank.