Tank Move Advice Needed (please??!!)


I have just agreed to purchase a 90 gallon system from a gentleman in PA. I live in Ohio. It's a 5 hour drive one way. It has the following:
-90 all gl tank
-oceanic stand and canopy
-metal halide lighting 20k bulbs have just been replaced in april
-pc actinic lighting
-sump filter with iwaki return pump
-2 sieo 650's,power sweep 280, and a maxi jet 1200 all for circulation
-coralife super skimmer 225 model
-ro/di water filter wich in my opinion you definatly need!!!
-120 pounds live fiji rock
-the bed is a 4" sand bed
-coralife timers for the lights and pumps
--here is a list of corals open brain, pagoda cup, colt(huge), cabbage leather, montipora, acropora, branching hammer, finger leather,torch, gonipora, and green and purple shrooms
-fish list
1 yellow tang
1 maroon clown
and one sixline wrasse and coral banded shrimp
also 20-40 snails
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to how to accomplish this with the least amount of problems for everything. I will be combining his system with what I currently have in my 50 gallon tank. Some of it will obviously have to be taken to a LFS or somewhere as it will not all go back into the 90. I do not really want the livestock and such, but it's part of the deal.
I guess my biggest concern is will a new cycle be started by all the disruption, particularly combining my sandbed with his? I think I already know the answer to this, but will wince and cross my fingers anyway.
It's a 10 hour round trip. What will be the best way to store and transport everything? I am greatly anticipating any and all info from any of the SWF marine gurus.


Active Member
Do you have a nice LFS to work with, or a not so agreeable one?
You can get shipping boxes (with their styro liners) from them, and maybe some bags. I suppose you can also find some hobbyists who would buy some of his livestock that you don't want while it is still in PA. Would take some work though, and cooperation. Anyway, its not too big a deal to move the corals. The packing boxes or a cooler, probably bagged, and depending on the temperature, cool packs. The rock can go in some rubbermaid containers or so.
My guess is that yes, you will get some sort of cycling event. I don't think it will be a hard cycle, but be ready for water changes, light feeding, etc.


Hi Funkyman, It is my understanding that when you move a tank you will most likely distrub the overall balance of bacteria. I would think that the sand bed being shifted around and no circulation for such a period of time will cause some die off, causing a mini cycle if not a full cycle. Will the items you plan to keep fit in your current tank? just for the time being until this new tank cycles out again? I moved my 75 about 9 months ago and lost all my fish....and i only moved it about 3 blocks away. It didn't take long for the tank to settle but it still was a loss I hadn't planned for.
I saved as much of the original water as possible by using NEW 5 gallon buckets and moved my fish in bags. I put all my LR in with the buckets and put lids on it to keep from water splashing. But again I only went 3 blocks. I know I am not much help here but just sharing an experience, only on a short move.
I guess there really are no guarantees that everything will make it, but I would guess that yes you will have to go thru another cycle with this new tank. Good Luck with the move and the new equipment.


Hi, only a suggestion, I have thought about this also because I am wanting to purchase a used tank. I am going to try and get my lfs to BABYSIT for my livestock and any that might come with my new tank.....many will do this while you are setting up shop, so to speak. You might want to try this just at least for the fish....travel and then bring them to the lfs and let them float them and acclimate until you are ready to get your tank back ot normal....