Tank Of Tangs


New Member
hey everyone i'm a newbie here...
i've set up a 110 gallon tank, i got the filteration going on, uv sterilizer and protien skimmer...i wanna fill it up with just tangs...can you guys help me out on picking the right ones...i need all the advise i can get :) thanks

nm reef

Active Member
First off...welocome to the board. Sounds like a nice idea...a tank of tangs. Hope you plan to let your system cycle/stabalise first. Takes time to let a new system mature and get ready for the bio-load. A few tangs may work....don't know if I'd fill it up with 'em. May want to let some of the more experiencied tang keepers cover issues like compatability and diesease problems assoiciated with tangs. I know some get along well together and others don't. Best to try to have them of differing body types to let 'em get along peacefully. Also as a rule they are territorial and all require plenty of swimming room. So even with a 110 gal system very many would be cramped for space real quick. Need to consider also that they like a source of algae to graze....plenty of LR will help...and will also provide hiding and sleeping spots. Lots of issues about the system too.....in particular what type of filtration do you have..........
Bottom line....research/read/go slow......and sounds like a heck of a plan!! :cool:


New Member
thanks for the reply...the info helps out alot...
i;ve been imformed that you can't keep a sailfin tang with other tangs becoz they get so huge and so territorial...i was at LSF yesterday and i seen a pitch black TANG...oh god it was so beautiful...do you know the name of this tang...and i know for sure that yellow tangs and hippos can live together...right now i have a marineland filter. i got the uv and skimmer, becoz i know for sure that tangs need perfect water conditions...

mr . salty

Active Member
I tried this"tang tank",and you need to be very carefull how many,and what kind you put together.Plus tangs are easily stressed.So a tank full of tangs will cause problems...As for wich ones can go together,look at the scientific name of the fish.If the first word in this name match,they can NOT go together....Some tangs with the same body shape actually CAN go together,So check that scientific name...( a hippo and a yellow CAN mix)And if I'm not mistaken,that black tang is called "a black tang"(same as a yellow,but black)

richard rendos

Active Member
Is this the guy your talking about?
If so, it is a Zebrasoma rostratum from Christmas Island.
Tangs can sometimes be a little tricky to keep together. In your size tank, you may be able to keep 2 or 3 with no problems. More than that may cause a territory battle. Also depends what kinds of tangs, some are more aggresive than others.
This weeks list had them on it. Wholesale cost was $100.00 for smalls...2". A little finicky eaters.

old hermit

the casino in indiana has 2 tanks like that. there about 300 gal. with about 50 yellow tangs in each. it is over crowded but it looks cool. :D


New Member
yes that is the black tang! oh they are soooooo geourgeous...the one i seen at the pet shop was like pure, black velvet...hi salty, i'm reading up on my fish book...and it says that you can not place the same tang in one tank that has the same scientific name...is that what you were talking about? i think so...i'm looking forward do doing this prodject...but i want to do it right...i'm doing plenty of research...


New Member
thanks for the concern nolo...don't worry i'm not gonna put 50 tangs in one tank hehe...i've been doing reef tanks for about a year...i'm not the greatest, but i know alittle bit...i read in a book that if you introduse tangs at the same time in a tank and if they are juviniles they will get along...anyone hear of this?
Yes, they seem to do better if put in at the same time,but i thing that the most new fish at a
time is only two,so then what if you wish to
have more.Tangs can seem to be geing a long,
and then it can all change.They are very much


Tangs of the same genus can be kept together the depending factor is tank size! I eman look at it like this have you ever seen on yellow tang by itself guarding a territory on the reef, no! Tang roam the reef in schools sometimes large schools looking for algae to graze on. The Black tang is no different in requirements from the yellow, brown, and scopas, they are just more uncommon and therefore demand a much higher price! Then on the other hand some tangs are solitary and very aggressive such as the clown and orange shoulder tangs, that tolerate very little and always seem to be looking for confrontation. But in a tank of your size you WOULD have to keep only species of diffent genuses! this is because adding in the adult sizes of the tangs when grown you wouldn't be able to keep a sufficent number with out crossing the aggressiveness issue! If you had a larger tank say a 750 <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> you could have a shoal of about seven tangs and in a small shoal their antics are interesting, they seem to exibit a kind of follow the leader behavior! :) Any more questions about tangs feel free to email me or something! ;) Happy fishkeeping!


New Member
wow hola, everything you just said sounded so right...i was thinking the same thing about tangs living together in the ocean...i watch dicovery chanel all the time and see hundreds of them together...haha but of course the ocean is very huge...thanks for the advice...you've encouraged me to move on with my tangolicious tank


Active Member
OK here's my 2 cents . I've kept 3 yangs successfully in a 125g for 3 years. All is well. First as already mentioned you need lots of L/R along the back. This will help with their constant search for greens. Placing it along the bach will give them the swimming space they like and need. Be patient. I would wait until the l/r is established and growing a nice lush of algae, all water parameters were good and then do a water change just before placing tangs in the tank. I would recommend a maximum of 3 tangs. I would recommend that after tank is fully cycled w/ l/r that you put one or two smaller fish in. Perhaps a flame hawk and a clown w/b good. Let them get established then add the three tanks. Buy them about the same size. Cannot be of the same scientific name family. My three are yellow(can substitute black or purple), hippo, and sohal. The sohal has gotten a bit more aggressive as he's gotten larger but still ok. You could substitute a powder blue or achillies in place of sohal. Good idea to have the UV. SInce I've installed have had no problems with ICH.
By the way I have 6 tangs all together in 4 seperate tanks. They are by far my best family of fish and the Powder blue is my fav. Although my sohal is up there and recently purchased achillies is moving up fast. Tough to decide.
Feel free to email me at coachp11@hotmail.com
Good luck!


Flamehawk they can be of the same scientific family, you can put zebrasomas together, as long as you have enough numbers to keep them together with out feeling cramped! Tangs aren't really territorial, they're just aggressive or better yet mean. But they have to be they roam reefs in serch of algae, and by doing this they cross into the boundaries of many territorial fish species, and since most aggression in reef fish is based upon dietary requirements, this means that if they cross into the territory of another herbivore then they are competing for resources! This is why tangs have to be mean! I have seen large schools of yellow and black tangs together in Hawaii! I have seen tangs kept in pairs in large tank, yes same species same tank, just have to have a knowledge of fish behavior, and requirements


Active Member
Holacanthus- My response is for tuckermojo who already stated he had a 110g tank. Cannot put same scientific name in a 110.
Tuckermojo- again good luck. What I stated has worked for me for 3 years and going well. E-mail me if you need anything else on tangs. What hola says may work if you had a much larger tank.


New Member
you both have good oppinions...2 of the same tangs may live together i think...if there is enough liverock and plenty of alge for them to pick at...but i'm still doing alot of reasearch on this...i;ve seen set ups that were 100 gal and 2 yellow tangs...it had plenty of l/r and plenty of alge...oh by the way guys i'm a girl...i have 2 horses, and ones name is tucker and the other's is MoJO hehe...


Tangs are just about my favorite. I've had saltwater tanks for almost 10 years. Don't know why everyone seems to think they are so hard to keep. I have way more trouble with angels and refuse to have anymore. The tangs always are good eaters and are very personable. I have a blue tang that used to 'surf' in the air bubbles. He was great fun to watch. I've had several tangs in the same tank before, such as a yellow, hippo, sailfin. I have never had trouble mixing a sailfin with any other tang. I have a reef tank now with a large sailfin and just added a medium size purple tang. They kind of follow each other around like they're sizing each other up, but haven't had any fights. They eat off the same piece of Nori at the same time, so I don't think they bother each other much. They are a little more prone to ich, so I don't plan to add any more tangs since my tank is now a reef instead of fish only.