Tank on Big Brother 4


Active Member
If this is posted elsewhere, sorry.
Anyone see the tank on Big Brother 4 last night. Tall tank with a huge clown trigger and some angels I think. Couldn't get a good look.
You know what's sad? My wife is talking about the hot bods and I'm focusing on the fish tank:rolleyes:
Anyway, looking forward to learning more about that tank.


Fooled you Jumpfrog! :)
I don't bother to watch those kinds of shows..
Maybe if you can find a pic of it and post it here.. maybe it can fool me too!


Active Member
Awe man! What a bummer! Now I'll just have to look at the women.
Skilos: What are you putting in that new 150?


Active Member
The women on the show are really awsome looking... I don't like Jun though.. She thinks way too highly of herself...


Active Member
Awesome skilos. May have to visit the next time I'm on the Plains.
Wamp, I agree man. She's definitely got the B&(^% potential. But then that's what makes it interesting in the long run.
Deb. Those Okies do it for you, don't they. Look what we got from Alabama. An FBI guy trying to be Clint Eastwood:D


Active Member
The tank by itself or with other stuff? I'm kinda friends with the LFS here in town. I could post something at his store for you. He's starting to get a good customer base.


I was sitting in front of my tank with only LR, LS with bubbles and a single damsel and thinking.......
"Damn I could watch these live rocks all day. There must be something wrong with me."
I like watching the watermovements, the sand dunes forming and the algae swaying in the current. Who needs animals and corals. LMAO
I need help!


Active Member
It's new here in Prattville. Called Petsville. Have you been there yet? Greg Miles is the owner. He used to manage Wet Pets and Pups in Montgomery? Good guy and really trying to develop a salt trade.
If you come down I65 it's at the 181 exit right next to the Texaco. Starting to carry some corals but is waiting for more lighting to get serious.
If you want to email me a posting of some type I'll print it out and get him to post it. Couldn't hurt.


cool, I've always liked summers better than normal semesters. keep me posted on the live sand, i hate to sound like a mooch, but im sure you understand the poor college student life :)


Active Member

Originally posted by jumpfrog

Deb. Those Okies do it for you, don't they. Look what we got from Alabama. An FBI guy trying to be Clint Eastwood:D

hehe..Clint Eastwood, I can see that:(
I'm going to school this summer too. Working on my masters in Human Relations. Of course I work at OU too, so I'm here all the time:eek: The program I'm in we go to class Fri night, all day Sat and Sun afternoon for 2 weeks, then do LOTS of research papers, but it's a great way to get the hours done without prolonging the actual class time. I think I'm going to hate going back to a 16 week semester this fall


Active Member
Deb, good luck. When I did my masters it was 2 courses at a time (nights) with 3 research papers per class. Learned a lot but was tired of writing by the time it was all over.