Tank one week in


My tank has now been cycling for one week now, I have noticed several new things in there, a few i can figure out what it is or whatever. However there are 2 things im having trouble figuring them out.
1. Its in a few spots throughout the LR a red fan like thing kinda like a featherduster but there out almost all the time. Almost looks like a miniature red bush.
2. Its right on the top of one of my LR's its only in a small cluster about 2inch diameter there are prabably 10 or so little things coming upward, I have tried to clean it off but it is hard as a rock and wont budge, its mostly white with maybe a hint of green on a couple of the pieces.
This is prabably not going to help anyone but, if you know something let me know, sorry no picture.:confused:


The fan-like thing you are referring to is a glass anemone. They are a pain, especially if you are planning on doing a reef tank. There is no way to prevent them, they just come on almost ALL live rock. You can get rid of them by squirting concentrated lemon juice into the center of them. Only do 3 or 4 every few days, excess will raise pH. You cannot simply peel them off or they will reproduce 10X over. Anoter people use this stuff called "Joe's juice." It's basically the same thing as lemon juice, but more $$. I have heard of people squirting boiling H20 into them, but I'm not sure if it works. I have used the lemon juice many time and it has worked every time. The other things you are referring to sounds like coraline algae, it's totally beneficial to your tank... don't scrape it off. Hope this helps.


Thanks that helps.. not exactly what i wanted to hear but thanx anyway. Did a little reading on them, Pepperming shrimp or red leg hermit crabs i read would "possibly" take care of them. There are only 3-4 that i see but theres also alot of space i cant see. thanks again


yes ive also heard that peppermint shrimp take care of glass anemones. is this going to be a reef tank, slammy?


Ya My ultimate goal is to have it a reef tank just trying to find the patients... its hard not to put things in yet...