Tank over heating


My 30gal tank has been running 12 to 13 degrees warmer then room temp with lights. I decided to put fans in last night. Left the light off today untill I finalize fans tonight. Went home for lunch and temp is still around 81 (instead of 83 with light on). Basicly don't think fans are going to help. Any other ideas besides chiller or is this the only answer?


Active Member
Have you checked the heater in your tank. They can give problems at times..
Also, if your room temp is 69 and you don't have masive lights on the tank, It should not get that high. Check your pumps etc.. to make sure they are not overheating the water also.


I agree that fans are not the problem but increasing air flow on the water increases evaporation. So it will lower the temp but will not fix this problem.


Active Member
Depending on if you have cold water animals in your tank IMO a high temp of 83 is not a problem.
If you wish to cool it down try opening the hood and placing a fan near by.
Follow wamp's advice as well and check heater, pumps, ect.


Well, over the last two days I have determined the problem and solved some other problems. My heater was defective, used an old one to save $15 and got alot more stress. Heater was coming on at 80 degrees when set as low as it would go. Got the fans running yesterday, today room temp was 71.5 and tank temp was 78.6 with lights on. Thanks for the help.