Tank overflow question


Does it matter where the overflows are? My friend said that they are better in the middle than in the corners. Ive seen 2 different 210g and 1 has the overflows in the corner and one has them set more towards the middles. He says you get better flow more towards the middle. Is this right?

nm reef

Active Member
I think its more a matter of personal taste and design than anything else. I've seen all sorts of overflow designs and they all work well.

nm reef

Active Member
As large as you can accomodate.
I use a 29 gal sump and a 55 gal refugium...but mine is located in the room behind my display so I'm not limited by space.


Is it normal to have a bigger fuge than sump? i thought it was the other way around? what are the pros/cons of relative size of fuge and sump?


Sorry to be a pest NM but also, is a 30 inch deep 210g too deep to keep any lps and some sps and clams if i have a coralife 3x250mh 4x96pc light?

nm reef

Active Member
The sump is primarily for mechanical filtraion...hide equipment...and circulation. The refugium is for refuge and nutrient export. In my mind a larger refugium will be much better than a larger sump.


Thank you, what about the lighting question, would the 1134w coralife be good for any lps and some sps or clams on a 30 inch deep 210g?


Active Member
If your tank is an all-glass 210 like mine the ones toward the middle are the megaflow design and are designed to flow 600gph each, The corner overflows flow less but dont remember the exact number, you can go to all glass web site and they have all the numbers online, i checked into it when i ordered my 210 and got the magaflows (middle ones) cause they flowed more gph.


Active Member
If you have a tank with just 1 overflow in the corner verses an overflow in the middle of the tank the overflow in the middle of the tank will skim water from 3 sides instead of just 2 as the traditional overflow in the corner