Tank Parameters - Need Advice



My tank is about 10 weeks post-cycle. I ran my water tests last night, 24 hours after a 15 gallon water change, and got the results noted below. I'm looking for comments on the results to see if I am on the right track. I do not dose anything and have been relying on the salt mix (Tropic Marin). I thought the Nitrate reading was too low to be accurate, so I re-ran the test and got the same result (all tests performed using Salifert kits). Can some of you experts
provide some insight into the readings?
Thanks in advance...
90 Gallon Reef
134 lbs Live Rock
Lots of Inverts (Hermits & Snails)
3 Fish
3 "Starter" Corals (Mushrooms, Xenia, Anthelia)
Temp: 81.3 F
SG: 1.023
PH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: <1 ppm
Phosphate: 0.01 ppm
Calcium: 400 ppm
Carbonate Hardness / Alkalinity: 8.6 dKH / 3.09 meq/L


Try as stated above raising SG . Also Ca & Alk could come up some too.


Thanks - The SG was a little higher and I (slowly) lowered it to the current level based on some other recommendations. There are a lot of opinions and it can be confusing finding the optimum levels (not to mention, keeping them there...). How do I know what is the "best" level?
Also, what is the best way to raise Calcium and Alkalinity?
Thanks again for the advice


For calcium you can drip kalkwasser (pickling lime in water) or use a salt higher in calcium. For alkalinity I use baking soda dissolved in water, I do this to my top off water.
You can also search google for two part solution.


Active Member
Bring the SG up to 1.025. The CA is fine b/c you don't really have anything to take it yet, ALK is also OK try and keep around 9dkh, Use Kent superbuffer when needed. The TM reg salt will give you 350-400 CA and a Alk of 9dkh. If you go Pro-reef it will bring up the CA (425-450) but reduce the Alk. I have used both and prefer to raise the CA. I drip Kalk for additives.....
There are tons of CA boosters out there just find the one you prefer and go with it. But go slow at first to find the correct amount for your tank.....


ALL - Thanks for the information...
As mentioned, I don't yet have any specimens that are typically considered as calcium-depleting, although I intend to stock some in the near future (my tank is now "ready" and I am anxious to start filling it
). For a 90G reef, a calcium reactor seems like overkill, although I do like the idea of automating routine maintenance tasks as much as possible. If there is a solid recommendation to go that route, then I would certainly be willing to invest in the hardware needed. After all, the goal is to provide the best, most stable environment for my critters that I can.
To raise the calcium level, it sounds like I should simply dose Kalkwasser in the make-up water. Will that also help with the alkalinity "problem"? I am a little fuzzy on the relationship and the effect that one has on the other. What is the recommended approach to improve both at the same time and what are the drawbacks and/or things I should watch for when doing this?
I have read posts on this site that indicate that purchasing Kalkwasser mix is unnecessary and that Calcium Chloride from the local supermarket is a perfectly acceptable substitue. If I remember correctly, the recommendation was to mix 1 tablespoon of Calcium Chloride to each gallon of RO/DI water, let it stand for 24 hours and then use this to top-off the tank. Is this accurate?
Currently, I do not have an automatic top-off system (working on it...), so I simply pour the needed amount of top-off water into my sump each evening. If I am using Calcium Chloride in the water, would pouring it in all at once (instead of a constant drip approach) be bad for the tank? Any automatic top-off system I might implement would essentially do the same thing - refill the sump in one shot when it falls below a certain threshold. So, either way, the end-result would be a bulk addition of calcium-enriched RO water. Is this a problem I should be concerned with?
Thanks again for your help...


Active Member
You CAN NOT add kalk in a bulk form. It must be dripped or or your PH will sky rocket and all will be UGLY.
Kalk is very nice b/c it is ionically balanced and will keep the CA and ALK pretty much at a steady increase.
I also and an equal part of vinegar to the solution, 3tsp kalk,3tsp vinegar and 1.5 gal of RO water. I get very little precipitate from this so I don't have to wait for it to settle. I use a 2 gal tank that usually lasts 2 days. Works well. there are also kalk reactors.
Google what is kalkwasser lots of good info. I would post links but ya know......
I believe some use pickleing lime from the supermarket, I haven't I use the Kent kalk.


TurningTim - Greetings

I was unaware of the drastic effect on PH that a bulk addition of Kalkwasser would have and I appreciate the information. What purpose does the addition of Vinegar server and what do you use to drip the solution?
Thanks in advance...


Active Member
Just Tim will do! And greetings to you. Kalk if misused can be a VERY bad thing but , if used properly it can't be beat.
I wish I had some more time but I have to run. I will PM the links to the solution and reasons why. If you google the topic I think the first page would cover your questions......
I made a small 2 gal tank that goes under my stand that is higher then my sump. I put a small valve about 1.5" from the bottom and used airline tubing and a gravity drip.
There are several drippers out there, 2 liter soda bottles work well....
I'll be back


Thanks for the information - very helpful and much appreciated. I guess I need to put my chemistry professor hat on!
Take Care...