Tank Pics For Fish, Corals, Inverts, Reefs, Live Rock

Hi all,
Could you please share with me some pics of how you set up your tank with live rock, fish, corals, inverts, and reefs? The final pics would be great. I don't need to see the whole process.
Thanks in advance for your assistance. Kim
Only need the whole tank...not pieces of it unless you want to send it also.


Active Member
1st pic. is a fresh shipment of lr and the tank cycling.
2nd pic. is more rock and sand
3rd just a month later
I transferred everything over from my 55 that was up for a year after I cycled the new 125. I added ls from the old tank by using a syphon hose and sucking out sand and water at the same time into a gallon jug. I slowly added it like that until all old sand was added. I also took 1 chunk of lr out of old tank everyother day until it was all out and then I transferred all fish and inverts.

cool pics...thanks to all.
Question: How do you keep the inside of your glass clean????
My aquarium "looks" like it's built into the wall, but there is limited access to it because it's really in a closet. Therefore, sitting in my family room all you see is the front of the tank, if you go into the dining room, you will see the door to the closet where the tank is at.
How can I keep the front of the glass clean on the inside of the tank???
Thanks again. Kim :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


I use a mag float but still maybe once a month or two scrape off the harder algae with a razor blade. I just leave the sides and back to the snails and fishes. But I like the front looking good.


Active Member
heres my 180

i use a stronger version of a magfloat called a hammerhead float by algae free
this thing is so strong it will scare u lol but it can take off even the hardest piece of coraline with one swipe