Tank Pics.


Nice tank.
Where did you buy those bulkheads for your sump ?
I went to HD and they said I need to go to a Farm supply. I haven't looked since.


Active Member
It's not a sump, it's a fug/algae scrubber concept.
You know, I went through hell for that bulk head. I originally went to home depot, because I read somewhere that they had them. Well they didn't and they had no idea what I was talking about. Then I went to a plumbing supply house and they had no clue, and I even drew it out for them. Then I went to a pool supply place, and after some thorough explaining, knew what I was talking about and had one; 2 1/2". they call them through-wall fittings, and I guess they use them for pools/hot tubs and such.
Good luck finding one!
I'm setting my fuge up with rock, sand, water today. Kind of psyched!


New Member
Hey ,there is a place online-dyireef.com, they have a long list of things there and still growing. I have not bought from them yet. Go to plumbing and they have several sizes of PVC bulkheads.



Originally posted by reef379
Hey ,there is a place online-dyireef.com, they have a long list of things there and still growing. I have not bought from them yet. Go to plumbing and they have several sizes of PVC bulkheads.

Thanks. Took me a while to find it cuz it's diyreef.com :D



Originally posted by spmnarciso
I know spray paint is the way to go; I've used it every single tank I've setup. However this one is already setup and I have very limited space to work with, and I definitely don't want to spray paint in my house. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone has ever used latex wall paint for there tank glass? If it works or if is peels too easily?

I use latex wall paint and it works great. Just make sure you have a clean surface to start with. I haven't had any peeling problems and its been about 5 months now. I have found that it sticks pretty good but can also be easily scrapped off with a razorblade if you ever want to redo it. Also, you might want to put a piece of masking tape along the top and bottom frame sections because the paint can creep up under it.


New Member
Hey everybody, sorry about the mix-up on the link -to many cocktails that night . If anybody does buy from diy.com let us all know how your purchase went.:confused:


I painted the back of my tank last weekend with Plaid Craft Paint from Wal-Mart. It's basically latex. It's cheap, $1.97 for 8 oz. bottle. I used a sponge brush to apply it. My tank was already set in place and up and running. It took some yoga moves to get to portions of it, but it turned out well. I would say it scrapes off easily if your not careful, but that's a benefit too, if you want to change it. All in all, very happy with it. That's my $.02.