Tank Pics


Since I'm getting ready to add some things to the tank, I thought I'd take a quick before picture. Notice the algae growth (cleaning crew coming Tuesday). Not sure if they will eat all this or not. It's getting pretty long. There are a lot of different kinds too. I'm sure you can see the few different types in the pic, but there are many more. Look more like small plants than algae.
I've had a lot of fun so far, although I have spent way more than I thought to just get it set up. I'm sure in the long run I will appreciate it. (I hope the pics work, first time trying to post pics)
OK, had to try again with pics. Hopefully this time it worked, although I had to make them much smaller in size and quality. Oh well.......



Hair Algae, ouch that sucks...
Its a tough one to battle once it gets a strong foothold.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
man oh man. my new powder blue would love that tank :D
get some kinda phos sponge in there
or an herbavore


Contemplated sticking in a small cow I saw on the way home, but decided against it. I added phosban on Thursday, so I hope it helps going in the future. What's the best way to deal with it? I can add fish now, and like I said, I have a cleanup crew coming, but they may get tired!

who dey

Active Member
i'd suggest a weed wacker...lol! no really are you using tap water, your phosphates are through the roof. what are your amm,nitrite,nitrate,and ph readings. also what is your light cycle, what kind of lights and how much flow do you have in that tank


My lights are what did it I think. I was cycling my tank and got my MH and VHO lights installed and started to run them on the timer to simulate a day cycle. That meant they were on for about 8 hours. The tank got really warm too, so now I'm in the market for a chiller.
My ammonia is 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5ppm, PH 8.4, ALK normal (Red Sea test.... right in the middle of normal). Discussed my problem with LFS and they suggested the phosban which I put in on Thursday. Haven't checked phosphates yet as I don't have a test.
I have lots of critter stuff going on though, so I think the tank is pretty healthy. Lots of copapods and amphipods today (first time I've seen them) as well as a few feather dusters and what I think is another aptasia anenome (killed one already... hated to do it but I've heard they are not good).
I think that's it. I've stopped the lights for now until I get my crew and a fish.
Any other thoughts? BTW, thanks!!